Author: phillynews215

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Godfather Of Modern Torture & His Experiments Funded By CIA | Witness | Eminent Monsters Documentary

Eminent Monsters traces the roots of western governments love affair with torture. In the 1950s Dr. Ewen Cameron experimented on his patients, using sensory deprivation, forced comas and LSD injections. Covertly funded by the CIA,…

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20 Years In Solitary Confinement: Innocent On Death Row | Witness | US Crime & Prison HD Documentary

In 2014, filmmaker Jessica Villerius met death row inmate, Clinton Young, who had been convicted of a double homicide and became convinced of his innocence. Her documentary ‘Innocent on Death Row’ exposed the weakness of…

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When The CIA Spiked An Entire Village As An Experiment | Witness | US Corruption History Documentary

In August 1951, inhabitants of the picturesque French village of Pont-Saint-Esprit were suddenly tormented by terrifying hallucinations. People imagined lions and tigers were coming to eat them. A man jumped out of a window thinking…

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“I Will Be Murdered” | The Lawyer Who Predicted His Own Murder | Witness | HD Crime Documentary

A murder story, a love story and a thriller. In May 2009, Rodrigo Rosenberg, a wealthy, charismatic lawyer went cycling near his home in Guatemala City and was murdered. Nothing unusual there: Guatemala has a…

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What’s Life Like Inside A Japanese Prison? | Witness | HD Japan Jail Crime Documentary

We gained unprecedented filming access to two Japanese prisons to find out if accusations that the system is inhumane are true. What we witnessed was staggering. Inmates must march to their worksites attached by a…

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On The Frontline Of Miami’s Drugs Killing Crisis | Witness | HD Trafficking Murder Crime Documentary

It’s the gateway for cocaine into America with dealers and traffickers fighting for control. Last year, 217 people were killed in drugs-related killings in Miami. Confronting this crime wave is the elite SWAT unit. With…

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Gang City Marseille: The War On Drugs | Witness | HD Crime Mafia Police Documentary

In Marseille, gangs wage a merciless war to control the drug market. The economic stakes are enormous. Drug trafficking generates more than thirty million euros per month and is woven throughout the local economy. Real…

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What Happens Inside America’s Youth Military Camps? | Witness | HD Crime Prison Documentary

Critics claim they’re little more than ’torture camps’, taking tough love way too far. But for desperate parents, military-style boot camps are often seen as the last chance for their children to avoid the vicious…

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Day In The Life At A Boot Camp for America’s Troubled Teens | Witness | Kids in Jail USA Documentary

Critics claim they’re little more than ’torture camps’, taking tough love way too far. But for desperate parents, military-style boot camps are often seen as the last chance for their children to avoid the vicious…

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American Cops: Protectors or Killers? Police Shootings in the USA | Witness | Crime Documentary

Every year, American police officers kill around 1000 people. 20 times more per head of population than in France and 60 times more than in the UK. Today more than ever, the American police force…

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Los Cabos: The Sinaloa Cartel’s Favourite Holiday Destination | Witness | Drugs Gangs HD Documentary

The seaside resort of Cabo San Lucas, or simply, Cabo, has become a favourite vacation spot for American multimillionaires….. and Mexican drug traffickers. Indeed Cabo is a strategic spot for the continent’s cartels forming a…

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Emeralds: Behind the Shadows of the Green Diamond Black Market | Witness | HD Crime Documentary

Walking the red carpets of the Cannes for the first time, Julia Roberts wore an enormously sublime emerald around her neck. This deep green, precious stone immediately captivated the public eye. The reaction was unprecedented;…

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Kidnap For Ransom: The International Extortion Industry | Witness | HD Organised Crime Documentary

Every year more than 30,000 people are kidnapped around the world. Hostage-taking has become big business, with its own rules and key players. In response, insurance firms have developed specialised ’Kidnap and Ransom’ (K&R) policies…

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Why is the USA Putting its Kids in Jail? | Witness | HD American Prison School Crime Documentary

It’s the only nation in the world that has not signed the International Convention on the Rights of the Child: the United States. Signing would mean relaxing legislation on the confinement of minors. Indeed, several…

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Historical Artefacts Destroyed by ISIS | Witness | Terrorism & National Heritage HD Documentary

Twenty years ago, the destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan shocked the world. Preserved for millennia, these statues disappeared in an instant, victims of the purifying madness of the Taliban. It was to…

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Why is Japan So Proud of its Prisons? | Witness | HD Japan High Security Jail Crime Documentary

Watch here to find out about the opposing opinions regarding prison life in Japan. From one perspective, a French computer wizz, unfairly accused of stealing from the cryptocurrency company he was working for, tells of…

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India’s Honour Killings: When Love Becomes a Crime | Witness | Marriage Murder Violence Documentary

Every year in India, at least a thousand young people are murdered by their own families for falling in love with the wrong person. For these lovers, who shun arranged marriages for love matches, there…

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Crime & Poverty In Dallas: Millionaires, Mansions & Ghettos | Witness | HD USA Documentary

Right in the heart of Texas, the city of Dallas has built its reputation upon the 80s cult series, oil fields and cowboy folklore. But today, 21st century Dallas is above all a symbol of…

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What Happens To North Koreans Who Try To Escape? | Witness | North Korea Defector Documentary

Every month, hundreds of desperate people attempt to flee North Korea to the South. Only a few succeed. Those who make it find themselves facing an entirely new set of problems. Many have left children…

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Neopolitan Mafia: Drug Trafficking, Violence and Murder | Witness | Italian Mafia Documentary

Bloody scores being settled and streets invaded by waste have tarnished the picture-perfect image of Naples. Diverse crimes and trafficking are the marks left by the Camorra, the Neapolitan Mafia, that is the chief employer…

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Talibés: The Forced Child Beggars of Senegal | Witness | Religious Corruption In Africa Documentary

You see them everywhere in Senegal. Groups of filthy, despondent children, aged between 4 and 15, desperately begging. But these children haven’t run away from home or been abandoned. They’re ’talibes’, students at religious boarding…

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How Russian Spy Herman Simm Sold NATO’s Secrets For 13 years | Witness | Russian Spy Documentary

His job was to protect NATO’s secrets but he ended up selling them to the Kremlin. This is the astonishing account of how Herman Simm, a former soviet militia officer, rose to become amongst the…

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Roman Empire: What Secrets Are Hidden In The River Rhône? | Witness | Ancient History Documentary HD

The ancient city of Arles, once a major commercial hub in the Roman Empire, still holds many secrets. Some of them are buried in the bed of the Rhône. Little by little, working in complete…

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The Murder That Rocked Spain: The Isabel Carrasco Case | Witness | True Crime Documentary

The brutal murder of Isabel Carrasco, one of Spain’s most controversial politicians, shocked the nation. Three women were quickly arrested in what appeared to be an inexplicable private vendetta. But as the investigation developed, a…

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Silencing A Spy: Framed For Murder After Revealing Too Much… | Witness | IRA Spy Documentary

The story of Colin Wallace, a British intelligence officer who blew the whistle on fake news and was framed for a murder. ——- Bear witness to monumental moments in human history, and human’s most terrible…

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Top Jewellers Funding Corruption And Human Rights Abuses In Myanmar? | Witness | Mining Documentary

Long regarded as one of the world’s worst dicatorships, the military junta finally stepped down from power in 2011. However three years on, its people continue to fight for freedom. The military remains in charge…

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Iran Ruined By Shah’s Most Expensive Party Of All Time | Witness | Iran Corruption Documentary

In 1971, the Shah of Iran, the self-proclaimed ‘king of kings’, celebrated 2,500 years of the Persian monarchy by throwing the greatest party in history. Money was no object – a lavish tent city, using…

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