I got SCAMMED buying a DEALER car at the Salvage Auto Auction

This is how I ended up with the Money Pit Jetta. Dealers frequently take accident cars, doctor them up to look better, then flip them back at Copart or other salvage auctions. From now on I pretty much only look at Insurance cars at Copart and other auctions. This video is not an attempt to bash Copart, but is merely showing what sort of business some dealers do while selling cars there.


Author: phillynews215


44 thoughts on “I got SCAMMED buying a DEALER car at the Salvage Auto Auction

  1. Theyre not aprons,,you are wrong …aprons are connected to frame rail low,,upper rail not apron you are extremely uneducated and giving WRONG INFO

  2. You didnt get scammed ,you ventured into a business you know nothing about..you got what you deserved…taught a lesson people dont spend 250k to attain a dealer license so the general public can do the same for free…stay in your lane

  3. This speaking the truth I am been scammed on ex police car and I lost 4000 pounds when they delivered ex police car when I saw I was divested they are thief’s salvage are fruad and day light robbery I hate them so much and they are rude too

  4. This is why beginners shouldn’t do this. Then they say they got scammed and etc. you can clearly see the door does not close. That already has me thinking a pillar damage. It’s not from an insurance company I’m never going to buy it.

  5. Samcrac, I am interested in buying cars from insurance auctions open to the public but how do I know if its insurance selling the car or another entity or person as in your case. What are some tips to buying salvage. I hear the general public cannot see the car up close or inspect it when at the auction. Viewing from a distance only.

  6. hw do i get my deposit back? i sent them a msg saying tht i dont want anycar from their auction, still no responce. wtf is goin on? i dont get it, was i scammed???

  7. The auction photos look like many of the cars you see for sale on Copart. It is obvious that the seller has slapped parts on a bent frame and hub that will need replacing. I'd rather bid on the actual wrecked version any day.

  8. I'm disgusted by the people who would sell a car slapped together so poorly like this. How much do you think they netted from your $2400 bid?

  9. If I may make a suggestion: please do ens result vids on the cars. Show us around the cars so we can see how they turned out etc.

  10. Sad that this happened to you. Love watching your video. Maybe you can just part-out the car and recoup some of the money lost.

  11. Let me get this straight, you bought the car from Copart a company that you support, yet you openly state that they deliberately take photos to "cover" up the full extent of the damage like the photo of the engine bay. Why would you support this company when you know they are dodgy? Thanks for sharing and I feel for you with a hell of time with this car.

  12. Lol, you wasn't scammed dude. You bought a car that was clearly horribly damaged. The people saying "Doctor up cars" is utterly stupid by the way.. If anything most of the people that go to Copart try scamming Copart themselves! Stealing Keys, Stealing Tags, doing damage to the cars once it hits outside so they can get that "Refund" for damage not shown in pictures or so the car doesn't start if it's labeled a drive. The people who go to Copart that are normally nice & good buyers always come out happy, because they are SMART. They look at the cars before buying, study the cars issues, add the prices up and everything just so no bull crap happens to them. You get what you buy dude. Study the damn car and stop crying. Not trying to be rude but it's pathetic how some of you can be. If you want a good car with no issues, I'd recommend a Dealership and not a Auction yard.

  13. I appreciate this person coming out with a video at least admitting that he possibly have got scammed most people would even have the balls to say so for a person to put a video out to help another person like that is a pretty awesome person most people are worthless robots

  14. Regardless of everyone telling you buyer beware, it's clear from the engine bay pic that they were willfully obfuscating the extent of the damage. Thats a bit more than misleading. I hope you reported them to the state BBB.

  15. Thanks for showing how someone decided to be sneaky just to make some money. Sometimes things like this bring out the worst in people, I'm sorry to say. This car should have been a parts car from the get go.

    Regards, Tom

  16. 0:51 Wait a minute, you bid 2500 and got scammed – The pieces on the picture allow you to sell for more than that already, I'm not even counting the engine. That is, selling each part individually. What did you lose then, 70 grand ? Dude.

  17. How much of the apron was used? Was the actual frame part that attaches to the crash bar changed? Please let me know have similar issue

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