Minor Body Damage Completely TOTALS $95,000 Tesla (SHORT VERSION)

This is the abridged (short) version of the video I originally made here:

If you liked this video and want greater detail, be sure to check out my original one!


Author: phillynews215


31 thoughts on “Minor Body Damage Completely TOTALS $95,000 Tesla (SHORT VERSION)

  1. I understand that Tesla requires these approved body shops to dissemble the cars and reassemble the cars in a very strict protocol all while under video surveillance. AND a lot of body shops hold the employee accountable financially if any problems occur or if the car was not assemble exactly as required by Tesla. This could be one reason why it is so expensive.

  2. I am genuinely saddened by all the negativity people feel the need to spew forth over something as non-consequential as video length. It's not like he's one of those click bait vloggers who only talk for 15 seconds in an hour long video about what you clicked on the video for in the first place. People need to chill more.

  3. I was wondering what's the best way to get a hold of you about finding a certain tesla for a project I want to start and wondering if I can get your help and wondering what's the best way to discuss this with you?

  4. Shorter version better…to the point and addresses the subject stated in the title of the video; which is the reason people clicked on video, to know why Tesla vehicles more expensive to fix. Recommend short to the point videos, also, in the future…people have busy lives and a quick focused answer with the facts, is far better than a long unfocused rambling video with things unrelated directly to the video title, in there. Provided the requested feedback and hope you find it helpful…good idea to be responsive to critiscm and adapt. Elon has said to seek negative feedback because it helps you learn and that very few people do this, so congratulations on being one of the few that does this positive thing of – If not exactly requesting-at least responding, to negative feedback in a helpful way that makes you better or what you do in making videos better; which is closely related to seeking negative feedback and is the reason to seek negative feedback, is to improve. When you looked in the comments, perhaps you were seeking negative feedback, perhaps not, but you certainly responded positively and that is to your credit.

  5. I love how samcrac's narratives patiently wind along the highways and byways of this YouTube channel and finally end up among the mulberry bushes of great internet lore.

  6. Other than the drivetrain, how would a Tesla body be any different to repair than any other fucking car out there, and dont say part rarity!

  7. This is too verbose and lacks information too. You could just say, "the reasons for expensive repairs are, 1) lack of availability of parts and body shop gouging, 2) sensors and paint issues, 3) Tesla having a monopoly on parts."

  8. Someone please just LIST what the estimate prices are. So the fucking estimate or don’t make the video! SUCH AS: paint repairs $15k, new frame and welding $10k. New tire $100. Labor $1k. This is why I clicked the “videos”. I don’t care about insurance and low competition blah blah blah. What is actually being charged is all I care about. Wow so hard?

  9. Sorry but you still haven't explained why it would cost $34,000 to repairs that moderate damage to the Tesla's side panel? And why do you have to take it to a Tesla authorized body shop? If an unauthorized body shop is qualified to do the repairs why would I even think about taking it to a clip joint that's going to screw me? I'll never own a Tesla since it is much too expensive for my budget but it sounds to me like I'm not missing much. It appears that these cars come with an awful lot of baggage attached to them and Tesla makes you jump through a bunch of fucking hoops just to own one. I'll stick to my F-150 that will still be on the road long after these Teslas have gone wheels up.

  10. This more concise version is much better. Thanks! BTW. It's funny to see people still complaining and claiming it could be done in much less time. 🙂

  11. The reason it costs so much is because there isn't many body shops that can fix Teslas. Therefore the few shops that do, end up ripping you off…. You are welcome 🙂

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