Entitled 21-Year-Old Thinks She Can Throw Rocks at Police Without Consequences

Entitled 21-Year-Old Thinks She Can Throw Rocks at Police Without Consequences

On January 20th, 2024, in Florida, Police Were Dispatched to a residence where a woman reported that her boyfriend stole her dog. Police informed her it was a civil matter and there was nothing they could do. The woman kept calling dispatch until the police arrived again.


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35 thoughts on “Entitled 21-Year-Old Thinks She Can Throw Rocks at Police Without Consequences

  1. It takes all my energy to not say…” I hate this woman.” She even admitted,” you can’t take me talking shit to you so you arrest me?”

    Men this is what women do… they know they are abusing you physically and verbally.

    What a miserable awful woman. What a miserable awful woman.

    She was absolutely horrible to those cops. The fact they stood there and took that abuse… my goodness.

    She needs mental help and she needs to get her life together. How you gonna talk to God? The same God that says to love your neighbor, you talked to these men like they were garbage.

    Trash woman.

  2. On behalf of decent, good, moral and NORMAL women everywhere, please accept my apologies for having to deal with these deranged oxygen thieves. Futhermore, don't take any racist sh*t from people like this !

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