NEW Miami Dade Aggresive Driving Unit?

NEW Miami Dade Aggresive Driving Unit?


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6 thoughts on “NEW Miami Dade Aggresive Driving Unit?

  1. His agency, under his leadership has allowed this to go unchecked for too long. They have been behind the curve for way too long!!! He doesn't have the stomach to go out and do what it takes, he will cater to the leftist mob.

  2. I like the reflector idea but like previously mentioned if it comes loose and innocent bystanders are hurt it can bring more lawsuits to the city! Reckless driving should be determined by in car video as evidence and indefinitely revoke any chance of that owner getting the car back but now that opposes other problems as to if the car is financed who’s responsible cause if they have no car to repo they won’t care!

  3. I'm not so sure that reflectors in the intersections would stop them. There's always one that doesn't care (IF) they do tear up the tires. My main concern about those reflectors is that they can come off. If someone does decide to do donuts and one of those comes off and gets launched at an innocent person that could be a problem.

    I am definitely for a large crackdown! Definitely potentially losing the car for a certain amount of time up to indefinitely sounds like a reasonable deterrent. My only concern is the reflector idea.

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