33 thoughts on “Pastor arrested while watering flowers – Childersburg police!

  1. These cops are a joke. The neighbors explains he is friends and watering the flowers, then the cop trys to explain his way out of this

  2. Is this really the state of law enforcement in the USA, I know there are far worse officers committing much worse crimes, but this “couldn’t give a fuck” attitude towards your own constitution is beyond belief.

  3. 4:57 – Cop is a lying sack-o-sheeit!!! (Or else, that 18 week law degree training completely missed the Alabama and federal laws on search, seizure, Terry Stops, and providing identification.)

  4. Their ignorance and ego at the end is unbelievable… wait, I've seen hundreds of videos of idiot cops. So this is a pretty normal video…

  5. They had no reasonable suspicion of a crime, so they should have just left him alone, BUT, dude seemed to think that saying "I'm a pastor" over and over is supposed to mean something. No offense dude, but "men of god" have a record of being pretty fking evil people. Nobody cares that he's a pastor, least of all a couple of racist cops.

  6. If he would’ve just forfeited his 4th amendment rights this would’ve never happen. My god these cops are dumb as shit.

  7. I think it better to just invoke the fifth and not even give a story. As soon as you say anything the police are going to want as much of your information as possible. (the story, witnesses, the home owner story, your name, dob ss#)

  8. This is plainly an ego arrest. I hope they pay painfully.
    Scary is how they justify their actions as correct and the pastor wrong for not surrendering his rights.

  9. This could’ve been all avoided if we just honored his rights. But no as always we just do what we want and always get away with it even murder sometimes

  10. These idiots definition of suspicious doesn’t align with normal human beings. This is why when you see video of an interaction and listen to their statement ms or read their reports they don’t match with reality. There is a huge problem with LE in this country. Especially when they can’t follow the laws they are supposed to enforce.

  11. Do we really expect anything else from people not smart enough to find actual productive jobs… they were fishing from the beginning and ended up showing how dumb and stupid they really are…..

  12. So the nazis-in-waiting got the name they always want, and it's STILL not enough because who knew the name doesn't tell them anything

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