Exposing USSR Labour Camps: Smuggling The Gulag Archipelago Out of Soviet Russia | Full Documentary

Exposing USSR Labour Camps: Smuggling The Gulag Archipelago Out of Soviet Russia | Full Documentary

It was one of the most important books of the twentieth century. An account so shocking few believed it could be true. But the real story of how Russian writer and Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s ‘Gulag Archipelago’ came to be published is just as remarkable as the manuscript itself. Terrified he would be arrested by the KGB, Solzhenitsyn wrote his novel in secret safe houses, regularly changing location.

Each section of the book was hidden in a different place. A network of selected friends, known as the ’invisibles’, then had to smuggle the manuscript to the West in the form of microfilms. Filming in Moscow, Lithuania, Bremen, Stockholm and Paris, ’Secret History: The Gulag Archipelago’ is an unbelievable trip to the other side of the Iron Curtain.

This documentary was produced by P Prod and directed by JEAN CREPU, NICOLAS MILETITCH. It was first released in 2008.


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49 thoughts on “Exposing USSR Labour Camps: Smuggling The Gulag Archipelago Out of Soviet Russia | Full Documentary

  1. Fortunately more and more people in Russia discover the scale of Solzhenitsyn's lies.

    Just a few facts about him:
    He was a camp snitch and and instigator.
    He was an ardent supporter of the Vietnam War.
    He is favorite Putin's writers. At least the most quoted by the President.
    He admired Ukrainians from Division SS.

    If you're a native Russian speaker, you would hardly enjoy his style. He tried to reinvent Russian language by making up new words and phrases. But he failed. Nobody speaks and will never speak the way he wrote. Reading his scribble is an unbearable torture.
    And pathological lies. That sort of small lies when it's pretty unnecessary but you cannot control yourself.
    There is a monumental research which reveals the nature of his lies.

  2. The US has 2-Million or more in prison, the CCP has put 2-million Uyghurs in camps for ''re-education.'' And in South America 'mega prisons' are the latest thing.
    IF you don't work for the state now, you will be put into a camp to become food for the machine.
    Good grief! What a world!

  3. Should be required listening for all Democrat Party politicians and voters in America, because every policy they believe in inevitably will lead to this scenario domestically, even more reason to be thankful for the Second Amendment.🇺🇸

  4. …Imagine, that was just SOCIALISM – a transitory phase to what we've got today: the (Internationalist) COMUNISM aka GLOBALISM. Imagine the sophisticated SURVEILLANCE system the globalists have today, and their discretion when it comes to abolishing your property… all the money in your bank account(s) frozen and stolen with just a click of the mouse. And, if the Socialist experiment was INFLICTED only on SOME countries of the world, GLOBALISM is being inflicted on ALL countries of the world – with their current SOVEREIGNTY and INDEPENDENCE already slowly "evaporating"…

  5. I have not seen this video. Apparently the Russians suffered in the gulags due to various purges. However, I have come across info which writes that 60 to 80% of people in the gulags were Ukrainians. Other minorities mainly made up the rest. This makes sense since, for 350 years, Russia has been denationalising minorities, in particular the Ukrainians. People watching these videos might think that the gulags were full of Russians, but probably the minorities were in those places, developing Siberia in bad living and working conditions and poor nourishment, if one digs up and reads up on accounts by survivors. Those accounts do exist if one digs enough. Whilst digging up the histories, one comes up with mass graves of prematurely expired people. In other words, digging up histories and digging up corpses!! Lots of them!! Spring thaws in Kolyma and other places revealed uncovered hillsides of corpses. Russians might go on how they suffered, but the story that non-Russian minorities were the main victims may be not too well known.

  6. And idiots still want socialism/communism after we have seen how it destroys people's lives! It clearly demonstrated that many should not be bestowed with voting rights or a say in the conduct of society due to their inabilities of intelligence on freedom for all. Many are delusional and present their feelings as intelligence when they have non at all. The strong will always be dacrificed gor yhe weak yet the weak want equal weight on running a country and its laws that represent us all. Only rational adults should be bestowed the powers to make laws and promote peace not radical delusional people who have double standards.

  7. The “Gulag Archipelago” and the “Day in the Life of Ivan Denishovich” are must reads for students of the Soviet Union and communism. The first time I read Solzhenitsyn’s books I had already spent a semester on the USSR and knew the history of the Stalin purges but I had no idea just how broad the purges went. No one was exempt. You never knew if you were next. There was no set of rules one could follow to guarantee your safety. It didn’t matter if you were a Politburo member or just a housewife who was religious. All were suspect to Stalin and all were purged. The irony is that Stalin trusted no one—not life long comrades in the Bolshevik movement, not ardent admirers, not even his own family. The only person Stalin trusted…was Adolph Hitler! At least until June 1941.Stalin is truly a hard man to understand.

  8. During the Cold War, Americans and Europeans also had their own Gulags in which those who fought against economic exclusion and disagreed with capitalist authoritarianism were interned, mistreated and eventually killed. Ianis Varoufakis' father was interned in one of these camps in Greece. My father was politically persecuted for similar reasons by the military dictatorship that the Americans created in Brazil in 1964. There were no good guys governing either Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Russia or the USA, France or Brazil where his book was applauded.

  9. I read "A Day in the Life of Ivan Denesovich" in high school. I thought it was written by Feyodor Dostayevsky, forgetting that that was much earlier 😳. I was a dumb high school girl. 😳😅😆🤣

  10. Is it a coincidence or just a mistake that this part of world history isn't taught in school? With all the details about WW2 & the specific details on Germany Japan. …….A candy coated mention of the Russian revolution. They leave something like this out? If that dont make you think then you're disturbingly naive. NOT A COINCIDENCE

  11. I read this book when I was 19, sure that when I got to the last page I would realise it was a kind of story – I had to find out. Realisation dawned and I cried for what seemed like ages. I read ' A Day in the Life Of ……. ' and cried again when I realised it was actually one day, just one day. The horror has never left me but has left me puzzling, for 50 odd years, how could people perpetrate such horror and how people could survive such insane cruelty and retain their sanity. ❤ A.S. et al.

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