Farm Equipment Scam Exposed!

Farm Equipment Scam Exposed!

Don’t let scammers use your info. Take your personal data back with Incogni! Use code PLEASANTGREEN at the link below and get 60% off an annual plan:

Scammers are pretending to sell farm equipment and it’s hurting farmers and communities. In this video I dive deep to show you who’s behind it and how they operate.

Thanks to @DEYOCLUB and the Avah Outreach team for their help on this.


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39 thoughts on “Farm Equipment Scam Exposed!

  1. Good detective work sir! I can't imagine buying this equipment online without seeing it in person, but apparently someone does. I must have visited my local JD dealership a half dozen times just to look at a pallet fork and box blade before taking it home. Can't tell you how many times I walked in, phoned, or emailed about the tractor before buying it. Thanks for exposing these shysters.

  2. Wr have some good stuff going here in Europe as well. Thr "seller" sets up tandom hood deals in other countries. No biggi. Thered trandport for that. And escrof if the deal seems too good to ne true. Play safe and use shipping escrow company. But the escrow company itself is fake as f. The multi million euro cross european company had one worker last year in their tax forms. Loads of trusting farmers have put the money in safe hands and got ripped.

  3. I love how the one guy was giggling. I think deep down he knew that you were playing with him. Still, it's unfortunate that he is doing this kind of work.

  4. Sponsor – be aware that a lot of data brokers will not accept INCOGNI (or anyone else's) removal requests if you live in the wrong state that doesn't have laws requiring data brokers to remove data.

  5. Farmers are the scammers. The price of milk or wheat goes up 3¢ and it ripples through the entire economy. That is, when they’re actually growing or producing, and not just taking a government subsidy.

  6. Omg this is nuts how can these people do that, i can't imagine someone lose his life saving over a scammer in order to buy equipment, specially farmers who work hard for their money
    Ohhh, just feel sorry for these scammers

  7. I've been recently binging your and other scam baiters videos and you're all doing a great job! Keep this great work up! Would be funny if you could do an accent like you were from a southern state etc when you do farm equipment scam coverage again or other accents when it fits the situation. Greetings from Germany!

  8. Do Shelby Equipment in Haines, FL next. They have pics that appear to be stolen from Shertzer Equipment near Lancaster, PA. They scrubbed some watermarks, but missed a bunch in "their" listing.

  9. Scammers will watch emails between legitimate salesmen and farmers too. I won't say which dealer I work for, but we had a farmer who was working on a deal for a new tractor with our salesman. He wasn't happy with the price he was quoted and took a few days to think over the purchase. During this time, he got an email from a scammer using our salesman's email spelled very similar but different (they added an s to the company name) saying we would knock off 20% if he wired the cash. Unfortunately, he fell for it.

  10. "We are not working right now."
    "So, what do you do right now?"
    "I´m doing online sales."

    I´m questioning how those people didn´t got replaced by Ai yet.

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