I Ran Into My Old Prison Buddy TOM Again…

I Ran Into My Old Prison Buddy TOM Again…

In this video, we switch gears a bit. Today I share with you a little work stuff. And a little update about Lucky. And then, I get the chance to meet up with my old prison buddy, Tom. And we hear what happened to him. It’s been about a year and a half since I last saw him… What happened? For those who may not remember Tom, I’ll link a few of the videos we did together below. Hope you enjoy.

Other Videos to check out!
Why I went to prison FULL STORY: https://youtu.be/7ECgj1NzG_8
How tattooing saved my life in prison: https://youtu.be/SkKQHbFBmH0
How to TALK like a PRISONER: https://youtu.be/EAnTkMCEVDk
10 Ways To Cook Ramen Noodles In Prison: https://youtu.be/CAZuyscGGNU
My FIRST day in PRISON: https://youtu.be/57cxNR4WFEU
5 Myths about Prison: https://youtu.be/6Lh3Q2iE8js

For business inquiries: joepguerrero2@gmail.com


Author: phillynews215


42 thoughts on “I Ran Into My Old Prison Buddy TOM Again…

  1. Hey Mr Tom!!! Keep ya head up & stay clean/sober!! Every single moment counts!!! You’re walking proof that true dedication to sobriety works!!!!! “You have to want it” is exactly right!!!!
    Thank you Mr Joe!!!

  2. Mate, I love Tom's vibe. He seems like such a positive person, he has a great attitude and I hope to see him again soon on the channel. Would love to see a round table talk with you, Joe, Tom and Lucky.

  3. Now you know why you got the new jobs nobody else wanted them because they don’t pay the other painters quit because of not being paid. That’s what’s bad about these apartment buildings as they don’t wanna pay you.

  4. So flip the coin. You're saying taxpayou should flip the bill for these programs that the state wants to implement.
    To help people that most of the time. Put themselves in that position. I'm not saying all the time. And it's not fair to the to have to fund all these programs

  5. You know what’s so funny, it’s that when you pay your rent late there are all these fees and lawyer fees and etc. but yet they all pay you late constantly. Please someone explain to me how that’s fair?

  6. Joe, i love ya man, and im excited to see you again!!! Think about your viewers that love what you do! The viewers you already have, not the ones who come and go and give shitty feedback. You had the best content man. We want ya back joe!!!! Need more skits bro

  7. If I remember correctly, the last time we saw Tom, he was actively using, and looked like it.
    Well, he looks clean, now, and it sounds like he's working hard to stay clean. Best of luck to him, and I hope he pops in, every once in a while, to let us know how he's doing!

  8. dude, it's Tom, thank you man, these update videos really do help a good amount , even more so for us who rock with some people you showcase, amazing to see the updates so we can get a good idea of how these people are doing, you know , after prison

  9. So unfair how Joe seems to get f’ed over every where he turns, and he’s such a great guy with all the good he does… not fair! Praying for his luck to turn around because he deserves it!

  10. Tom been on APS since before day 1!! Before Cody, before the Tattoo videos even… 😱
    Nice to see him every few years. Glad hes doing good.

  11. Been rocking with you Joe since almost the very beggining with broke wing and gay dave and everything and just wanna say you have given me so many laughs and good life advice through out all of it and i support you and i am happy to see you are doing youtube again cheers buddy!

  12. Tom so glad we are able to start working with u thru all paths and knowing ur getting the same support also giving back in ur home town to build all paths what's the odds getting out to find out a meeting was just starting there be proud

  13. Glad to see him back Joe. One thing ive noticed about you that id recommend to change is having friends around you normally like to a lone wolf from what ive seen while thats nice and all that will absolutely drive a normal person crazy. You need friends around Joe not just your family but friends that youve served time with and overall had an experience with through out the years.

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