The Italian Mafia’s Toxic Waste Trade | Mafia Documentary

The Italian Mafia’s Toxic Waste Trade | Mafia Documentary

We investigate the mafia’s illegal traffic in toxic waste in Italy. It’s an industry worth billions of euros a year, with many businesses happy to pay the camorra to dump toxic waste in the countryside rather than disposing of it safely. Until recently, there were virtually no penalties for toxic dumping. But decades of illegal dumping haven’t just poisoned the land and water. Child cancer rates are unusually high and the air is toxic.

This documentary was produced by Yemaya and directed by Frederic Cristea. It was first released in 2018.


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6 thoughts on “The Italian Mafia’s Toxic Waste Trade | Mafia Documentary

  1. Si lo traducen en español lo vere,no tuve oportunidades en España nunca ahora son las oportunidades para cualquier extranjero sobretodo marriquies y senegaleses,estoy enferma de varias patologias y me hacen seguir trabajando no tenemos derechos ningun español

  2. It shouldn't be too difficult to set up a system where the business owner pays heavily if the disposal trail is not legitimate. That way they'll be a lot more careful about who they use to take their waste away.

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