Migrant crisis: Caravan surge leads NYC, Chicago, Denver mayors to near capacity | LiveNOW from FOX

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said he the ongoing crisis “baffles me. New York City is the economic engine of the state and of the country. And I don’t have an answer.” Adams acknowledged that he is joining other mayors to pressure the federal government to take action. “I have to keep hammering away at this issues.” Currently, New York City has over 150,000 migrants that has entered the shelter system. Texas sent a plane with more than 120 migrants from the US-Mexico border to Chicago.

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Author: phillynews215


48 thoughts on “Migrant crisis: Caravan surge leads NYC, Chicago, Denver mayors to near capacity | LiveNOW from FOX

  1. In NYC the illegal immigrant invasion is costing the city 10% of the budget to the point the city is downsizing police and fire rescue by tens of thousands of jobs.

    They're essentially replacing hardworking critical American jobs to house and feed illegal immigrants

  2. I say vote Trump these Democrats aren't going to do anything about it but Trump and the Republican can they will take care of it the right way get America back where it belongs to the American people

  3. Before its all over every street in America will be lined with homless migrants right along side homeless Anericans cause they are letting over 3,000 people into Anerica monthly abd thst number keeos going up,, we want be able to walk on the side walks cause hundreds of contires migrants in the thousands will be under foot!!!

  4. What Biden did the worst to our country is to open doors for millions of illegal immigrants. He did in purpose, for his political gain, as this will greatly help him and his Democrat Party to win the election. More than 6 million illegal immigrants were imported. This will dramatically change American political map, destroy American society and America! Disgusting evil!

  5. Eventually it will be a crime for a politician to send migrants to these leftist cities. I believe that the Biden Administration has failed terribly on this issue and simply won't cooperate with the GOP or even folks in his own party. No wonder so many Democrats have turned their backs on him. He's unfit to run much longer. This migration crisis should have been put down sooner. I don't care what problems these people face in their own countries. That's their problem! We have enough problems here as it is! Unaffordable housing market lacking in inventory and polarized politics to name a few.

  6. Dear Working or Retired Californians, let me start by saying that you WILL BE SCREWED by your own GOVERNOR NUSOM ❗️👈If he will give FREE HEALTH CARE to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS That you Worked so hard to Earn, and shop for the BEST DEALS because Health Care is so COSTLY!!!!🤨😤😠, NUSOM will GIVE IT FOR FREE to those that jump a fence or swim here, or just walk across into California, thanks to Open Borders ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️😖🙄
    Well—>👉👉 GET READY ❗️😡
    NUSOM'S NEXT PLAY with Your Lives,will be…If you [Own, Rent, or pay a Mortgage for your HOME], and there is an UNOCCUPIED ROOM or ROOMS in your Home, Guess WHAT ❓🙄 The ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS will be able to OCCUPY YOUR HOME for FREE ❗️ and use ALL YOUR HOME'S FACILITIES too❗️
    It's not called 'HUMANITARIAN', it's Called…COMMUNISM…❗️ FREE STUFF

  7. Dangerous do you know people, come in why who and and with what thinking or train maybe with some idea or sent to pile up and bring gaos desturbing a nasion or are they for real make sure to many things happening these days I think some good planned organizations infolved in this problem it's getting out of control and believe every nasion got to be very careful with this decisions very dangerous Def with what do every man or woman teen come over borders mindset you sure helping or greater a big problem coming years or time?!!!!???????

  8. The illegals have a dream to come to America. They also have a dream to come to Chicago or NYC. If it's wrong to keep them out of America, it is also wrong to keep them out of Chicago or NYC.

  9. Democrats mayors are traitors and need to get them arrest and jail them to spend taxpayer money and encouraging and assisting illegal people to enter America.

  10. I'm not responsible for illegals. Send them to Biden's house. Dr Jill can fix it. Biden invited them, he is responsible. Send them to Washington DC, or to Delaware. Done with this crap.

  11. This IS DISGUSTING! The
    UNITED STATES of AMERICA is now a dumping ground for trash!
    Born, Raised and Never left my Country. NOW, I NO LONGER FEEL SAFE, BECAUSE I'M NOT SAFE!
    We can be like Israel anyday. Our borders our wide open just like theirs were. smh

  12. I’m thinking these migrants are gonna to freeze out here. It’s getting cold. Please stop sending them to the suburbs, we don’t want them. We don’t vote democrat that’s just Chicago but they outnumber everything in the state. Please keep taking them all the way to Chicago. I see them all over the Fox valley now. We didn’t vote for Biden. We don’t like that guy either. Bus them to his house.

  13. The polices for port of entry needs to change and the immigration laws also.Biden needs to be run out on a rail he's done nothing but complicate this situation.

  14. I'm glad that Democrats are doing the right thing by diverting resources from the black community to the millions of newly arriving migrants whose needs are dire.

  15. We know where they are coming from. Why we can't send them back far away into Mexico and have Mexico pay the bill? Would the US be so nice with them if they were black ( like from Haiti)?

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