New Documentary Explores Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel/Palestine

The documentary “Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories” debunks the myths that lie at the center of the injustice in the region. We discuss the film with its director, Bob Peck.

Watch Solidarity: Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories here:

Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju
Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden
Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar

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Author: phillynews215


25 thoughts on “New Documentary Explores Five Largely Unknown Truths about Israel/Palestine

  1. TRUTH # 3- That settlements are illegal under international law. FALSE. Oslo accords granted Israeli control over 61% of Judea and Samaria which is defined as Area C. All settlements are in Area C. Fact is that UN Res. 2334, immorally legalizes any Palestinian state to be Judenrein.
    Almost no Muslim country will allow the presence of Jews within its borders. The Obama Administration attempted to created one more Judenrein state with UN Res 2334. The problem is the poison of Islam, which teaches Jew-hatred.

  2. He needs to go back to school and really study that history. Nobody is going to say it, it’s very simple……Religions. The Jews hated and still hate Muslims for centuries and for more to come, because of what Mohamed did to them, also Muslims leaders and their nations who wants to erase them from existence period, and redraw the map of the Middle East, but of course, no Israel any where near the map. The Muslims on the other hand, they will not rest until they spread Islam globally, because of what Mohamed told them, which is "DO NOT BEFRIEND THEM (anyone that is not a muslim), IF YOU DO, TRY TO CONVERT THEM, IF YOU CAN’T, SLAY THEM”. Isn’t that lovely!!! How do you solve this riddle or puzzle??? All of that is done in the name of God all mighty. I bet you, he must be really proud of our actions here on Earth.

  3. The jew-ISH people are bullies and subject to the god of this world; not the one true Elohim!

  4. Pretty messed up that once again the self chosen are in control of the narrative. I think after 72 years of the Nakba they and their representatives have lost the right to tell the world what has been done to their Muslim and Christian neighbors in the name of their Religion.

  5. A lot of people are very well versed on this subject.
    Supremacy is Hatred.
    Beliefs precede thoughts.
    Thoughts precede actions.
    Theocratic rule and supremacy based upon spirituality is pure bloody foolishness and in actuality is faux spirituality faux religion.
    God of all is Love.
    What has occurred is completely opposite of Love.
    What has occurred and is occurring is Love of their own kind above anything else and according to the Talmudic teachings they are our God's which entitles them to do as they please.
    A very inconvenient truth.
    Their motivation is fear based and not based on Love of God and Love of neighbor……. It is based on Love of self.
    The Fig tree is accursed, it bears no good fruit, it faces being chopped down and thrown into the fire by God himself.

  6. Netanyahu calling the Palestinians pampered really pissed me off if anyone is being pampered it's Israel they get away with war crime after war crime they don't think international law applies to them and no I am not an antisemite.

  7. You have to be God-abandoned to believe, "that nation", and its land grab are both justified by scripture, much less holding some remaining special place with Almighty God. Possibly thee biggest lie ever told & heard around the world!

    That said.., with all the bloodshed, violence, killing based on blatant racial discrimination, and outright hate and disdain – most of which is directed to Palestinians of ANY age group – nothing, literally nothing, NOTHING… about that land is, "holy".

  8. We recognize fascism, communism, imperialism, terrorism, amd totalitarianism.
    But the media and the people are blinded to zionism.
    Zionism is an extremism.

  9. Jews are forbidden to create ANY TYPE of state or country until the return of the Messiah…This is clearly written in the Torah……utube has deleted most of the detail's the I wrote out but you can search netureikarta dot com to hear it from the real Jews and not the bias liar Zionists.

  10. READ THE TORAH…..Jews are strictly FORBIDDEN to create ANY TYPE of state or country until the destruction of the second temple mount (until the return of the Messiah, Jesus). Iran protects the Jews from Israel the ZIONIST STATE. In the Torah, Gd calls the ZIONIST his "most evil creation". There are some 30,000 rabbi's and their families in the israeli prison's because the oppose the illegal Zionist state.If you would like to see a REAL JEW go to Jews and Muslims are united against the Zionists and any type of Zionism. Its time to be educated about the rel facts and not this cooked bologna about the idiots trying to avert the truth with these ridiculous types of video's that take people away from the religious facts.

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