Tag: breaking news

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Will Putin Support Trump’s Plans for Iran? Q&A (Pt 3/6)

Part 3 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018…

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With Reality Winner Sentenced, Does The Intercept Owe Answers?

Reality Winner has been sentenced to five years for leaking an NSA document to The Intercept alleging a Russian cyber-operation targeting the U.S. voting system. Shadowproof’s Kevin Gosztola joins Aaron Maté to discuss major questions…

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Environmental and Union Activists’ Town Hall on the Green Economy

The Baltimore People’s Climate Movement held a town hall meeting on how labor and environmental movements can work together to promote a more just future Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Hogan Adopts Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Attack on Media

Critics say the popular governor can’t call himself a moderate if he supports policies backed by the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Does Washington Want a Korean Peace, or Colony?

With U.S.-North Korea talks at an impasse, the Trump administration’s colonial attitude toward the Korean peninsula is threatening the prospects for peace, says Tim Shorrock Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Black, Latino & Progressive Candidates Rise; Deep Divisions Exposed in Both Parties

Andrew Gillum wins in Florida; African American & Latino candidates win in Arizona and Florida; Progressives and Trumpites win, while deep divisions erupt in Republican party Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Leak From Censored Israel Lobby Film Exposes Anti-Palestinian Operatives

The first leaked excerpt of Al Jazeera’s censored film on the Israel Lobby in the U.S. claims to identify the funder behind the Canary Mission, an anonymous website devoted to smearing and silencing vocal supporters…

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Facebook & Google Play the Censor: Are our Civil Liberties Endangered?

Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi joins us to examine the dangerous juncture our freedom finds itself in when Facebook, Twitter, and Google work with the government and its intelligence services to control what we see and…

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Will New School Buildings Mean Better Educational Outcomes for Baltimore’s Students?

Ribbon cuttings for five new Baltimore City schools raise hope for community members about access to quality education, while calling into question political will to make progress for all students Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Countries Alarmed Over Venezuelan Migration Forget History of Venezuela’s Acceptance of Migrants

As governments in Latin America hold emergency meetings to discuss how to curtail the influx of Venezuelans escaping their country’s economic crisis, they forget how Venezuela for the longest time took in economic refugees escaping…

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The Battle for Control of the Democratic Party is heating up in Arizona (Pt 4/4)

A battle for survival: Tired of feeling betrayed and played by career politicians, longtime activists have decided to run for key posts themselves, battling with Corporate Democrats for control of the party. Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: August 24, 2018

Eze, Dharna, Khalilah and guest host DDM aka Secretary of Shade, discuss censoring on social media, MD environmentalists’ fighting Gov. Hogan’s Pipeline, Lead Levels higher than Flint in over 2,000 cities and more on this…

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Is Trump Betraying the American People? Q&A (Pt 1/6)

Part 1 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018…

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Rapid GDP Growth: Does Trump Deserve the Credit?

Trump and his supporters argue that the 2017 corporate tax rate cuts are spurring economic growth. Is there any truth to this? We discuss the real effects of the tax cuts with economics prof. Gerald…

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Kris Kobach’s Gubernatorial Campaign Hires White Nationalists

Kansas Republican Kris Kobach’s Governor’s Campaign hires white nationalists, giving momentum to the racist anti-immigrant movement and increasing their power in the GOP. We speak to Christina Lopez of Media Matters Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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NSA Leaker Reality Winner’s 5-Year Term is An Attack on Whistleblowing

Reality Winner has been sentenced to over 5 years in behind bars for leaking an NSA document to The Intercept about alleged Russian spearphishing in the US election system. It’s the longest ever prison sentence…

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The Battle for Control of the Democratic Party is heating up in Arizona (Pt 3/3)

A battle for survival; longtime activists-turned candidates like Jovana Renteria are battling with corporate Democrats for control of the party and for the survival of their communities Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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Erik Prince’s Push to Privatize the Afghanistan War

Former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince is now lobbying to deploy mercenaries instead of the US military in order to bring the 17-year war in Afghanistan to an end. We discuss the proposal with Antony Loewenstein,…

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Debate: Who Is Behind Nicaragua’s Turmoil? (Pt 1/3)

Recent months of deadly unrest in Nicaragua have fractured splits in the Sandinista movement, with critics accusing President Daniel Ortega of autocratic rule, and supporters accusing the opposition of attempting a US-backed soft coup. We…

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Banning Absurd Racist Alex Jones Threatens Us All

Digital media owners silenced the left; now it’s Alex Jones’ turn. How do we define the public commons when it’s all privately owned? Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Greece Exits its Bailout but Remains Shackled by Debt and Austerity

Former Greek MP Costas Lapavitsas says Greece has been reduced to a ‘weak and marginal Balkan economy’ Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Prisoners Across the US Strike to End Modern Day Slavery

Prisoners organized through prison walls to strike, demanding an end to work with no pay, voting rights and for rehabilitation, training, and Education Programs. Pastor Kenneth Glasgow, President of the Ordinary People Society talks about…

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CIA Whistleblower: John Brennan Is Out For Himself, Not the Resistance

Donald Trump’s revoking of ex-CIA Director John Brennan’s security clearance has re-ignited a bitter public feud. Ex-CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou argues that given Brennan’s record and personal ambitions, he is not a trustworthy Resister….

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John Dean Brought Down Nixon; Michael Cohen Could Bring Down Trump

The revelations in Michael Cohen’s guilty plea could be the beginning of Trump’s unraveling. The lies and laws broken may spark a constitutional crisis.  We explore the case with Doug Colbert, Professor at the University…

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Ex-Obama Official: We Fueled the Syria War Rather Than Stopping It

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad bears criminal responsibility for the Syrian crisis, says Robert Malley, a former top White House official and now the CEO of the International Crisis Group. But once the US became part…

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Amid Calls to End US Role in Yemen, Ex-Obama Official Rob Malley on How It Began

The massacre of 40 Yemeni children with a US-made bomb has escalated calls for ending the vital US participation in the Saudi-led war that began under President Obama. We speak to Rob Malley, President of…

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How Flint Was Gentrified Through its Water Crisis

Executive Producer Eddie Conway speaks with Flint resident and activist Abel Delgado on how the water crisis transformed his neighborhood. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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