Tag: breaking news

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U.S. Refuses to Adopt a Nuclear Weapon No First Use Pledge – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (7/13)

Every President since Truman has used a nuclear first strike threat as leverage in U.S. foreign policy; it’s institutional insanity says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Will Harvard’s Affirmative Action Case be a Referendum on Race Conscious College Admissions?

A discussion with Brenda Shum of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and Nicole Ochi of Advancing Justice L.A., hosted by Khalilah Harris.   Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Activists and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Demand Nancy Pelosi Take Action on Climate

Varshini Prakash of the Sunrise Movement talks about why hundreds of activists occupied Nancy Pelosi’s offices demanding a Green New Deal and an end to fossil fuel contributions Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Will Israel Respect the Gaza Ceasefire it Broke?

There are reports of a new ceasefire in the Gaza Strip after a botched Israeli raid led to its worst bombings of the territory since 2014. We discuss Israel’s latest attacks on civilian infrastructure with…

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Amazon’s New NYC and DC Headquarters Bilked the Cities

The contest for Amazon’s HQ2 prompted hundreds of cities to put in tax break and subsidy bids. Former financial regulator Bill Black says these deals never pay off for the communities involved Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Brazil’s ‘Slow Motion Coup’ – General Admits Intimidating Court into Imprisoning Lula da Silva

The latest revelation about Brazil’s slow motion coup, designed to ensure that the center-left remains out of power and the far-right takes control, involves a general who admitted that he threatened the Supreme Court so…

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Lieberman Quits Netanyahu For Not Being Violent Enough to Gaza

The resignation of far-right Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman in protest of the Gaza truce could trigger early elections as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu already grapples with the biggest corruption scandal in Israel’s history. We…

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Counselors, Not Cops: Creating Safe and Supportive Environments in America’s Schools

Khalilah Harris reports on a new book, Lift Us Up, Don’t Push Us Out, examining the sources of and solutions for dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline told through the voices of advocates Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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Once Fired, There’s No Calling a Nuke Back – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (8/13)

There are many fingers on the nuclear missiles trigger and once an attack begins, even the President can’t order it reversed, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/reality-asserts-itself-daniel-ellsberg…

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California Sees Deadliest Wildfire in History

Mustafa Santiago Ali talks to Dharna Noor about how global warming, drought, and winds created the conditions for California’s wildfires and what can be done to prevent this from happening in the future Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Brexit Agreement: A Deal Between German Manufacturing and UK Finance Sectors

As Britain’s Theresa May inches closer towards a final Brexit agreement, for leaving the European Union, behind the scenes it is not quite the compromise politicians and the media make it out to be, says…

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The Tragedy of Female Suicide in India

Female suicide is exceptionally high in India. Gender discrimination, arranged marriages and sexual abuse put women at especially high risk of taking their own lives. Psychologists say the stigma around mental health problems also needs…

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The Corporate Top 1% Control Over 50% of International Trade (Pt 1/2)

Taking an ever rising share of global income, the real benefits of global trade go to the profits of the top 2,000 TNCs. The flip-side is falling wages and government revenues, says Richard Kozul-Wright discussing…

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Month-Long Student Strike Paralyzes Colombia’s Public Universities

Colombia’s university students face on-going repression of their protests, while they continue their month-long university strike, demanding adequate funding for the public university system. Recently elected conservative president Ivan Duque faces his first crisis. We…

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As California Fires Worsen, Environmentalists Demand a Green New Deal

As the Camp Fire death toll rises, 350.org Executive Director May Boeve talks about how California will see worse wildfires if federal and state leaders don’t stop propping up big oil Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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As Campaign to End US-Saudi War on Yemen Grows, Republicans Derail it with Bizarre Wolves Bill

A House bill that would end the catastrophic US-Saudi war on Yemen is gaining support, but Republicans bizarrely blocked a vote using unrelated legislation on gray wolves and the endangered species list. Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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A Blueprint for Linking Trade to Full Employment and Domestic Industrialization (Pt 2/2)

Think hard about the relevance of the 1948 Havana Charter for addressing the imbalances and inequities of the 21st century global economy says Richard Kozul-Wright noting that with the rise of neoliberalism the aim of…

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IMF is Back in Business in Latin America – Just as Neoliberal as Always

Following a prolonged loss of influence in Latin America in the first decade of the 2000’s, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is back again, flexing its muscle in Argentina and Mexico, pushing the neoliberal Washington…

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Mueller Panic Overshadows Jeff Sessions’ Final Attack on Police Oversight, People of Color

Amid concern over what Jeff Sessions’ ouster could mean for the Mueller probe, there is very little outcry over Sessions’ last-minute move to gut federal oversight of police forces accused of abuses. We speak to…

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CIA Blames Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman for Khashoggi Murder

The Washington Post is reporting that the CIA blames Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Stan Lee: Unpacking the Complex World of Pop Culture and Black America

Pop Culture has generally been defined by outsider culture. Marvel Comics’ creator Stan Lee personified this with X-Men & Black Panther. On the occasion of his passing, Todd Burroughs, Eddie Conway, and Kalima Young examine…

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The Discovery That Should Have Changed the Cold War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (9/13)

In 1958, then Senator John F. Kennedy claimed there was a “missile gap”, saying the USSR was far ahead in ICBM weapons; when satellite photos showed the astounding true number, it meant the USSR did…

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US Dept of Defense Failed Audit While Spending $5.9 Trillion Since 9/11

The Watson Institute released its report ‘Costs of War,’ showing astronomical costs of $5.9 trillion and at least 500,000 killed due to the never-ending war on terror. Is there an alternative? The report was published…

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Central American Migrants Arrive in Tijuana, Mexico

Tensions are rising in the Mexican city of Tijuana after the arrival of thousands of migrants from Central America. Most hope to apply for asylum in the US, but the procedure is slow and Mexican…

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Opioid Crisis: Purdue Pharma Billionaire Owners to be Sued

Suffolk County in New York is suing the Sackler family, which owns the maker of OxyContin, one of the main drugs behind the opioid drug overdose crisis. Just how responsible is the family and might…

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ICE Holds Record Number of Immigrants, Including 14,000 Children

Over 44,000 immigrants are being held by a system that is increasingly privatized, while a humanitarian crisis is looming at the border Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Sessions’ Move to Block Reform: Just one Example of Policing’s Immense Political Power

A last second order signed by the former Attorney General to rollback the DOJ’s police oversight efforts is just one of a myriad of roadblocks to reform in a country where police unions and special…

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