Tag: breaking news

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How Well Does Fossil Fuel Divestment Combat Climate Change?

As the fossil fuel divestment movement grows around the world, a new study suggests its economic impact might be overstated. Leaders in the environmental movement respond to PERI economist Robert Pollin Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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Sanders Calls for Kavanaugh Perjury Investigation – Where are the Democrats? A Q&A with Paul Jay

Dharna Noor and Paul Jay discuss the announcement by Mitch McConnell that a Senate vote will be held before the end of this week and a letter from Sen. Bernie Sanders calling for an FBI…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: Week of September 23rd, 2018

Eze Jackson, Khalilah Harris, and Dharna Noor talk about Maryland’s only 2018 gubernatorial debate, place-based solutions to climate change, demands for justice at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, and the Kirwan Commission on Education Visit…

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LA Teachers May Be Forced to Strike for More School Funding

Los Angeles teachers are now in mediation over wages, evaluation, smaller class size and school funding. The teachers have authorized their union to call a strike if negotiations fail Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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More Democrats Sign On to Stop Yemen War, But is Enough Being Done?

With 23 co-sponsors for a new measure that would withdraw U.S. forces from the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen, Rep. Ro Khanna says that ending the war is “now a mainstream position within the Democratic…

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‘Stop the War!’ – Yemeni-Americans Condemn Trump and Saudi Arabia Outside UN

Yemeni-Americans called for an end to the US-Saudi war on their home, at a protest outside the United Nations General Assembly. Ben Norton reports. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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Right-Wing Eastern European States Honor Nazi-Collaborating Fascists as ‘Heroes’ (Pt 1/2)

Far-right governments in Eastern Europe are rehabilitating past Nazi collaborators as national heroes, rewriting the history of the Holocaust to turn the Soviet Union into the villain. Historian Dovid Katz explains to TRNN’s Ben Norton…

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Eastern Europe’s Far Right Rewriting History of Nazi Holocaust (Pt 2/2)

Far-right governments in Eastern Europe are rehabilitating past Nazi collaborators as national heroes, rewriting the history of the Holocaust to turn the Soviet Union into the villain. Historian Dovid Katz explains to TRNN’s Ben Norton…

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Portugal: The Gentrification of Porto

Porto seems a really good investment. For those who can afford it, that is. Most Portuguese can’t. Porto is gentrifying. There’s no room left for the low-income earners in the city center. Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Former Fed Chair Paul Volcker Warns About US Becoming a Plutocracy

Paul Volcker had a historic role in shaping the US economy over several decades, but increasingly he has been warning about an out of control financial sector that is dominating US society. Former financial regulator…

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Saudi Royals Consolidated Power by Destroying the Workers’ and Democratic Movements – Q&A (Pt 2/6)

Paul Jay and host Ben Norton discuss how by destroying legitimate opposition movements, the Saudi royals created a vacuum the was filled by al Qaeda and other extreme Islamist forces Watch full series: https://therealnews.com/series/the-u-s-and-the-saudis-qa-with-paul-jay Visit…

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Are Attacks on Trans Rights Also Attacks on Women’s Liberation?

Transgender activist and researcher Mischa Haider says that the Trump administration’s proposed dismantling of trans rights are part of a larger strategy to dismantle gender equality Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Israel Forced to Delay Illegal Demolition of Palestinian Village Amid Growing International Pressure

Palestinians are claiming victory after Israel was forced to delay the demolition of the village of Khan al-Ahmar, in the occupied West Bank. The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor warned Israeli forced displacement of the…

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Millionaires Group Says Unfair Tax System Undermines Democracy

Patriotic Millionaires Chairman Morris Pearl says decades of Republican efforts to make the tax system less fair could lead to a dystopian future of concentrated wealth and ineffectual democratic institutions Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Saudis a Pillar for US Domination of Middle East – Q&A with Paul Jay (Pt 1/6)

Paul Jay with host Ben Norton discusses the history of how US foreign policy has used the Saudi claim to lead the Islamic world to fight nationalism and socialism in the Middle East. Watch full…

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Unintended Consequences: US Sanctions on Russia and Iran Weaken Dollar’s Rule

As the US tries to keep countries such as India from dealing with Iran and Russia, it is driving more and more countries to seek alternatives to the US dollar, threatening the dollar’s hegemony, says…

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Trump to Abandon up Key Nuclear Missile Treaty – What is Behind the Move?

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson says that the main reason for Trump to abandon the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty has to do with interests in the administration that would like to see a restarting of the nuclear…

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Trump Administration Doesn’t Have Power To Eliminate Transgender Rights

A new Trump administration memo outlines a plan to eliminate transgender peoples’ rights against sex discrimination, but Omar Gonzalez-Pagan of Lambda Legal says the administration’s memo is “not rooted in reality” and “unlawful” Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Gaza Water Crisis: Political Solution Needed, not a Technological One

Water contamination is a serious problem in Gaza, but supposedly well-intentioned reports that call attention to the crisis offer technical solutions that are not only unworkable, but but far more importantly they ignore the Israeli…

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How Germany Breaks its Own Laws to Arm Saudi Arabia

The German government is pursuing the interests of the its arms industry, even as this means violating their own laws, their coalition agreement, and promises to the public. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Inside Nikki Haley’s Shocking Speech to Secretive Far-Right Group

Just days before she resigned as UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley delivered a private speech to the Council for National Policy, a secretive group of influential right-wing figures. Journalist Max Blumenthal obtained exclusive access and reveals…

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How Dismantling an Obscure Tax Created an American Aristocracy

Republicans’ decades-long efforts to gut the estate tax is creating a permanent ultra-rich class, and undermining the government’s ability to pay for popular programs like Social Security and Medicare Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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On the Campaign Trail in Afghanistan: Mariam Solaimankhail

Mariam Solaimankhail, an Afghan-American born and raised in the US, left behind her life as a business woman in Los Angeles and moved to Afghanistan six years ago. Undeterred by pre-election violence, she is campaigning…

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Assassins for Hire: US Citizens, Israelis, and Palestinians Kill for Money in Yemen

The US-based mercenary company Spear Group, headed by an Israeli and hired by a Palestinian on behalf of the UAE, conducts extra-judicial killings in Yemen. Antony Loewenstein discusses the details Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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As Saudi Confirms Khashoggi’s Murder, Will We Stop Its Murder in Yemen?

Hours after this segment was recorded, the Saudi government confirmed the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. But there is ongoing silence over the US-backed Saudi war on Yemen, which has killed tens of thousands and is…

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Baltimore’s Cherry Hill: A Community on the Rise

The Cherry Hill Arts & Music Waterfront festival is one example of a community coming together to reclaim a neighborhood once devastated by crime Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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Honduran Migrant Caravan 4000 Strong Marching To US Border, Trump Apoplectic

Thousands of self-organized Hondurans fleeing violence and poverty are marching to US/Mexico border. Trump threatens to stop money for Honduras and send troops to border. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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