Tag: breaking news

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Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Vows to Continue to Fight Voter Suppression

Republican candidate Brian Kemp will be next Governor of Georgia, but Stacey Abrams vows a legal fight for voter rights while building a new movement Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Why Did CIA Turn Against Saudi Crown Prince MBS? It’s More than Khashoggi

CIA officials are signaling Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman must be replaced. Is this all about the killing of Jamal Khashoggi? Professor Asad AbuKhalil tells Ben Norton there are other political reasons. Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Sears Bankruptcy Engineered to Benefit Executives and Stiff Workers

Executives of Sears stand to gain up to $1 million in bonuses, should Sears be liquidated, and $500,000 if it’s restructured. Meanwhile, ordinary workers at Sears are being laid off without severance payments. Bill Black…

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In Maryland, Protestors Demand National Park Service Block Potomac Pipeline

In a final push to stop the construction of a fracked gas through Maryland, protestors rallied to demand the NPS not issue TransCanada a right-of-way permit Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Transgender Day of Remembrance: To Fight For Trans Lives, Think Local

On Transgender Day of Remembrance, Sylvia Rivera Law Project founder Dean Spade talks about the lack of federal protections for trans people and how communities are fighting back at the local level Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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A Strategy of War Crimes, Killing Civilians to Win a War – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (10/13)

General Curtis LaMay, who directed the firebombing and nuclear attacks on Japan said, “War is killing people, when you kill enough of them, the other guy quits” – quotes Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Asserts Itself…

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China Intensifies Crackdown on Marxist Student Activists

Chinese university students, inspired by their studies of Marx, are facing an increasing state crackdown on their movement in support of workers who have been trying to organize Shenzhen’s Jasic Technology. Prof. Zhun Xu analyzes…

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The War on Terror’s Toll, From Atrocities Abroad to Mass Shootings at Home

A new Brown University study says the US-led so-called “War on Terror” has killed around 500,000 people in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan — an “undercount,” it stresses. And as Ian David Long — an-ex U.S….

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The SEC and the Inadequacies of Financial Regulation

Damon Silvers, Director of Policy and Special Counsel of the AFL-CIO, speaks at the forum, “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” held in Washington DC, on October 19, 2018 Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Nurses say Union Will Help Hold Hopkins Accountable to the Community

Johns Hopkins nurses issued a series of damming reports they say reveals why a union is needed to improve patient safety and community commitment Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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Pakistan’s New PM Imran Khan Seeks Historic Peace Deal with India, After Decades of Conflict

Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Imran Khan is trying to reach a historic peace deal with rival India, opening a border crossing for Sikh pilgrims. Journalist Munizae Jahangir tells TRNN’s Ben Norton this is the first…

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Market Fundamentalism and Trade

Lori Wallach, Director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, speaks at the forum, “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” held in Washington DC, on October 19, 2018 Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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Globalization, Inequality & the Predictable Corporate Takeover of the WTO (1/2)

The corporate takeover of platforms like the World Trade Organization has been denounced by developing countries and activists for decades and today the denunciations are reflected in rebuttals to pro-corporate machinations like those unpacked in…

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World Leaders Fight Over Turbulent Oil Market at G20 Summit

As world leaders gather for the G20 summit, oil is at the top of the list of issues. Scholar Vijay Prashad discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton the fight between the US, Russia, China, and Saudi…

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Bernie Sanders: End U.S. Arms Sales to Saudis and Support for its Yemen War

Sen. Sanders joins Paul Jay to discuss his Senate resolution to end US support for the Saudi war in Yemen Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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An Off-Duty Cop Pulled a Gun on Teen Waiting for a Bus, How Will the City Respond?

The nearly deadly encounter between an unarmed teen and an off-duty Baltimore police officer still haunts the family, but the recent controversy involving the city’s civilian review board may leave them with nowhere to turn…

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Expectations Skyhigh for Mexico’s Newly Inaugurated President Lopez Obrador

Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico’s new center-left president was inaugurated and outlined policies that were more ambitious than what he campaigned on, says Laura Carlsen, of the Americas Program of the Center for International Policy…

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US Sabotages UN Attempt at Yemen Ceasefire, as Opposition to War Grows in Congress

The Trump administration claimed it would seek a ceasefire in Yemen in 30 days, but the US blocked a UN Security Council resolution submitted by Britain. Colonel Larry Wilkerson discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton Congress’…

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Rattling the Bars: Stopping Corporate Exploitation in Prisons (Pt 2/2)

Eddie Conway talks with Bianca Tylek, founder of the Corrections Accountability Corporation about thousands of corporations funding private prisons and immigration detention centers and what citizens can do about it. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Judge Overturns Trump’s ‘Catastrophic’ Asylum Ban

A federal judge ruled that Trump’s ban on asylum applications from those who do not enter the US at a legal port of entry is in complete contravention to US and international law. Angelo Guisado…

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Can a $1.8 Billion Gift to Johns Hopkins Spark National College Affordability Policy Changes?

TRNN’s Khalilah Harris discusses critiques and possible implications of Michael Bloomberg’s historic donation with Lester Spence, political commentator and Hopkins Associate Professor of Political Science and Africana Studies Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Ralph Nader: Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism

Market fundamentalism’s ideological tyranny is metastasizing, afflicting the young, silencing politicians and hoodwinking the media. Too few progressives have a handle on the powerful arguments that can be made to counter market fundamentalism. It’s time…

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Amazon Gets $3 Billion in NY Tax Breaks While Underfunded Public Transport Enters ‘Death Spiral’

Prof. Richard Wolff explains why the $3 billion subsidy for one of the world’s largest corporations is a terrible waste of public money Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Antitrust and How Kleptocracy Corrupts What Markets are Supposed to do Well

Bert Foer, Senior Fellow at the American Antitrust Institute speaks at the forum, “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” held in Washington DC, on October 19, 2018 Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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Trump Considering to Put Venezuela on ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism’ List and Intensify Sanctions

According reports in Washington Post and Reuters, the Trump administration is actively exploring the option of placing Venezuela on the state sponsor of terrorism list, to further intensify sanctions that have already caused significant damage…

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The Doomsday Machine and Nuclear Winter – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (11/13)

An H Bomb first strike will create firestorms and smoke that ends most human life; this is a fact ignored by military planners and by the Trump administration which doesn’t believe in climate science –…

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How Fraud Corrodes Weak Market Regulations Governed by Market Fundamentalism

Prof. Bill Black’s talk at the forum, “Destroying the Myths of Market Fundamentalism,” held in Washington DC, on October 19, 2018 Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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