Tag: civil liberties

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Facebook & Google Play the Censor: Are our Civil Liberties Endangered?

Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi joins us to examine the dangerous juncture our freedom finds itself in when Facebook, Twitter, and Google work with the government and its intelligence services to control what we see and…

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Facebook Erases Hundreds of Alternative Media Pages in Mass Purge (1/2)

Facebook is erasing popular alternative media pages that had millions of likes and suspending anti-war and anti-police brutality accounts, in coordination with Twitter. Journalist Max Blumenthal tells TRNN’s Ben Norton this is part of a…

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Social Media Purge Silences Alternative Media Outlets that had Millions of Likes (2/2)

Facebook is erasing popular alternative media pages that had millions of likes and suspending anti-war and anti-police brutality accounts, in coordination with Twitter. Journalist Max Blumenthal tells TRNN’s Ben Norton this is part of a…

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Israeli Security Tech on US-Mexican Border Threatens Nation’s Civil Liberties

The ACLU’s Jay Stanley says that the Border Patrol’s repurposing of surveillance technology and drones could open doors that put our liberty and privacy at risk Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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Militarized police attacked him on his own front porch. PAR helped him fight back

Nick Pettit was assaulted by Columbus, Ohio, police for filming a botched raid. We investigated on his behalf, and now evidence gathered by PAR is part of an ACLU lawsuit against the police department that…

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