Tag: daily news

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Trump’s ‘Dissociation from Reality’ at UN

President Trump had the opportunity to address the UN General Assembly opening for the second time, which he used to brag and lie, says Phyllis Bennis, of the Institute for Policy Studies Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Ending Inequality!? What Does Real Equality Look Like?

Nation Senior Editor Atossa Araxia Abrahamian wrote a lead article, ‘The Inequality Industry,’ which takes a deep dive into its history, the present political struggle and the future Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: September 21, 2018

Khalilah Harris, Eze Jackson, and social activist Kwame Rose sit down to talk about sexual abuse on college campuses, campaign financing, the Maryland Gubernatorial race, and more. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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An Ex-Marine’s View of the US ‘Forever War’

Former Marine Lyle Jeremy Rubin talks about how he came to see US wars as a non-stop continuation of the war economy and how US politicians and mass media have numbed the population to the…

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As Koreas Make Peace, Will Trump End the War?

At their third summit, the leaders of North and South Korea made new progress in their historic effort to bring peace to the Peninsula. But for North Korea to denuclearize, is the US prepared to…

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UK Labour Alarms Elites With Plan to Democratize Workplace, Public Ownership

The UK Labour Party has unveiled proposals for what it calls the “greatest extension of economic democratic rights that Britain has ever seen.” The plan includes transferring a portion of company shares to workers and…

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Debate Recap: 2018 Maryland Governor’s Race

Incumbent Republican Larry Hogan and Sanders-backed Democrat Ben Jealous square off in the only debate in the race for Maryland Governor Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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As Rosenstein Stays, What Can Manafort Give Mueller?

After widespread speculation that he was on the outs, Rod Rosenstein is still on the job. The uncertainty over his future comes amid a flurry of activity in the Mueller probe that he oversees, including…

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Is a New Global Financial Crisis Imminent?

Economists Mark Weisbrot and Gerald Epstein face off to discuss whether 10 years after the Lehman Brothers collapse and the Great Recession of 2008 we are about to see another major financial crisis Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Green Party Candidate Barred From Ohio Gubernatorial Debate

Ohio Green Party candidate barred from debates, continues aggressive campaign for Governor Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Brazil’s Historic Presidential Election: Left and Right Have Equal Chance of Winning

Now that frontrunner Lula da Silva of the Workers Party has been eliminated from the presidential race, his running mate, Fernando Haddad and far-right Jair Bolsonaro look likely to make the run-off after the first…

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In Viral Video, Medea Benjamin Confronts Trump Official on Iran

At a public event in Washington, DC, CodePink’s Medea Benjamin confronted Brian Hook, the head of Trump’s Iran Action Group, over the US withdrawal from the JCPOA and re-imposing crippling sanctions on the Iranian people….

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Protest Targets Johns Hopkins Multi-Million Dollar Contract with ICE

Dozens of students, faculty and community members marched through campus on Friday and delivered a petition demanding Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins University end its contract with Immigration and Customs Enforcement Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Baltimore Parent Panel on Education

Khalilah Harris joins a group of Baltimore City Public Schools parents to discuss expanding educational opportunity and community engagement in education policy making Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Trump’s Methane Deregulation: Another Blow to Slowing Down Climate Change

The Trump administration announced new methane rules, which roll back rules President Obama had put into place to reduce pollution, capture methane for sale, and slow down climate change. Aaron Mintzes of Earthworks explains the…

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: It is Outrageous that The US is Supporting a Genocidal War in Yemen

Over 5 Million children are facing starvation, a cholera outbreak is raging on in the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and yet the US continues to support the Saudi’s to bomb and destroy Yemen…

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De-Regulation, and De-Criminalization Set the Stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis (Pt. 3/3)

White collar criminologist Bill Black analyzes how the U.S. got into the 2008 financial crisis and what it means that we have not learnt the lessons from that crisis 10 years later, on the anniversary…

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Trump Administration Sets the Lowest Refugee Intake Targets in US History

The U.S. is already doing far less for refugees than most developed nations and the latest reduction, from 45,000 to 30,000 refugees, does not even come close to reflecting the actual number who end up…

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Alt-Right March for Israel, Human Rights Activist Smeared as Anti-Semitic

In Canada Dimitri Lascaris called on B’Nai Brith to disavow a white supremacist who called for Trudeau’s execution. He then found himself accused of being an anti-Semite Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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De-Regulation, and De-Criminalization Set the Stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis (Pt. 2/3)

White collar criminologist Bill Black analyzes how the U.S. got into the 2008 financial crisis and what it means that we have not learnt the lessons from that crisis 10 years later, on the anniversary…

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10 Years Since Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy – Did the Economy Really Recover? (Pt 2/2)

The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was the largest in U.S. history and unleashed a financial meltdown. The Banks were saved but not people’s debt, savings or homes. Michael Hudson looks at the economic instability that we…

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Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices Could Be Key Election Issue

Maryland’s Democratic nominee for governor Ben Jealous has backed a proposal to reign in drug prices, while advocates say incumbent Larry Hogan has helped drug makers ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Chicago Hotel Workers Strike for Decent Health Care

Chicago’s UNITE HERE union is engaged in one of the largest labor actions in the city in decades, for a new contract for service workers at 30 hotels, with simultaneous strikes at 26 of these….

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Communities Seek Solutions to Keep Billionaires Out of Local Politics

The Real News investigates how new laws are fighting the wave of cash pouring into state and municipal elections, and how local public financing of campaigns might work Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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De-Regulation, and De-Criminalization Set the Stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis (Pt. 1/3)

White collar criminologist Bill Black analyzes how the U.S. got into the 2008 financial crisis and what it means that we have not learnt the lessons from that crisis 10 years later, on the anniversary…

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Chevron Arbitration Ruling Against Ecuador ‘Completely Off Base’

A secret corporate arbitration panel in the Hague ruled that Ecuadorean courts’ $9.5 billion judgement against Chevron for environmental damages is illegal and should not be enforced. We speak to the plaintiffs’ lawyer Steven Donzinger…

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Merchants of Death: How the Military-Industrial Complex Profits from Endless War

A look into how the military-industrial complex fuels endless war for corporate profits. CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton her new report on the five largest US weapons manufacturers and their arms deals…

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