Tag: daily news

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Iran’s World Court Win Exposes U.S. as Rogue State

After the International Court of Justice ruled in Iran’s favor on U.S. sanctions, the Trump administration pulled out of a 1955 treaty and announced a review of its relationship to the court. Trita Parsi, author…

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As UK is About to Leave EU, Key Brexit Issues Remain Unresolved

British Prime Minister Theresa May has famously declared that ‘Brexit means Brexit.’ But with just months to go before her country is due to leave the European Union, key issues like the border between Northern…

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War Bled Syria of c. $400 Billion – and Human Cost of Imperialism Is Even Higher

The international proxy war on Syria destroyed more than $388 billion in physical capital, according to a UN commission. But political economist Ali Kadri says this conservative figure underestimates the damage imperialism does to humans,…

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Afro-Brazilian Women Take on Brazil’s Establishment in Upcoming Election

Mae Flavia Pinto is one in a wave of Afro-Brazilian women running for public office, challenging Brazil’s deeply entrenched racist and classist establishment. A field report Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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NAFTA 2.0 Enshrines Deregulation for all of North America

Trump’s re-negotiated NAFTA, now called the USMCA, pushes food safety and other forms of deregulation to new extremes, making it more difficult to undo the damage even after Trump leaves office, says Patrick Woodall of…

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Sen. Collins Calls for Kavanaugh’s Presumption of Innocence – Where is the Criminal Investigation?

Our panelists Paul Jay, Dharna Noor, and Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the Maryland ACLU, and host Marc Steiner discuss the significance of the nomination, why the Democrats didn’t pursue a criminal investigation for…

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New EPA Proposal Could Have Huge Health Impact for Vulnerable Communities

Former EPA Official Mustafa Santiago Ali says that the EPA’s attacks on science, including their new proposal on regulating toxic chemicals, are driven by the desire to make policy that prioritizes industry over people Visit…

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Weak Underfunded IRS Behind Trump’s Wealth and History of Avoiding Taxes

Investigative tax attorney James Henry talks about the New York Times’ investigation into the origins of Trump’s wealth, how it is related to tax evasion, and how the US tax system has systematically and increasingly…

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Brazil Faces a Momentous Choice

This coming Sunday Brazilians will choose a new president. The two front-runners, likely to make it to the run-off, are the far-right Jair Bolsonaro and the center-left Fernando Haddad. CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot analyzes how Brazil…

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Kavanaugh Sexual Assault Accusation is Not a ‘He Said, She Said’ Case

Current Affairs editor Nathan Robinson takes apart Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court hearing testimony. While the media present this as a “he said, she said” case, Robinson argues that Kavanaugh’s testimony is self-incriminating because of…

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German Far-Right Uses ‘Judeo-Christian’ Values to Polish its Racism

Shir Hever discusses the new Jewish section in the “Alternative to Germany” far-right party in Germany, and the way that pro-Israeli politics are used to mask Islamophobia, racism against Jews and the xenophobia Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Trump Officials Headline Neocon Iran Regime-Change Summit: Inside UANI

John Bolton and Mike Pompeo headlined the annual United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) summit, where speakers celebrated the strangling of the Iranian economy under U.S. sanctions and cheered on regime change. We report from inside…

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Disaster Profiteers vs. the People of Puerto Rico

One year after Hurricane Maria, counting the dead is one of many challenges that Puerto Rico faces under massive debt, crippling austerity, and disaster profiteers. Aaron Maté speaks to writer and educator Rima Brusi and…

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Brazil’s Women Rise Against Possible Far-Right Presidency

Women in Brazil took to the streets across the country, to declare their opposition to far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, ahead of Sunday’s presidential vote Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Is India on its Way out of Poverty?

Jayati Ghosh discusses the UNDP report showing that poverty in India has halved in the last 10 years, and the newly unveiled healthcare plan for the bottom 40% of the population, nicknamed “Modicare.” Visit https://therealnews.com…

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The Role of Maryland HBCU’s in Advancing Equity

Join us for a live panel discussion about the opportunities and challenges facing Maryland HBCUs as we move into the future economy. Hosted by TRNN’s Dr. Khalilah Harris and featuring expert contributors. Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Department of Justice Sues California to Stop its Net Neutrality Law

In a highly contradictory move, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is telling California that only the federal government has the authority to regulate internet service, while at the same time maintaining that it cannot (will not?)…

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Rancorous Senate Cmte Pushes Kavanaugh Nomination, FBI Will Investigate Accusations

Who believes what depends on what you believe in our divided nation. Political war wrapped in misogyny leads to one of history’s most explosive Senate confirmations. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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U.S. Punishes Iranians and Threatens Nations That Disobey

As the Trump administration and its Israeli government ally continue their destabilization campaign against Iran, the EU, Russia, and China have reached a deal with Tehran that would shield financial transactions from newly reimposed U.S….

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Article Explaining Why Israel is a Racist State Embarrasses Labour Party

Moshé Machover authored an article proving that the Labour acceptance of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism cannot coexist with free speech on Israel.  This scholar and Israeli veteran linked the racist nature of the Israeli…

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Will the Next Global Financial Crisis Begin in the Developing World?

Malaysian economist Jomo argues that the central banks of the developed world created so much liquidity that flooded developing countries’ economies and now any financial hiccup could cause severe problems for these economies Visit https://therealnews.com…

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How Well Does Fossil Fuel Divestment Combat Climate Change?

As the fossil fuel divestment movement grows around the world, a new study suggests its economic impact might be overstated. Leaders in the environmental movement respond to PERI economist Robert Pollin Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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Sanders Calls for Kavanaugh Perjury Investigation – Where are the Democrats? A Q&A with Paul Jay

Dharna Noor and Paul Jay discuss the announcement by Mitch McConnell that a Senate vote will be held before the end of this week and a letter from Sen. Bernie Sanders calling for an FBI…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: Week of September 23rd, 2018

Eze Jackson, Khalilah Harris, and Dharna Noor talk about Maryland’s only 2018 gubernatorial debate, place-based solutions to climate change, demands for justice at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital, and the Kirwan Commission on Education Visit…

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LA Teachers May Be Forced to Strike for More School Funding

Los Angeles teachers are now in mediation over wages, evaluation, smaller class size and school funding. The teachers have authorized their union to call a strike if negotiations fail Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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More Democrats Sign On to Stop Yemen War, But is Enough Being Done?

With 23 co-sponsors for a new measure that would withdraw U.S. forces from the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen, Rep. Ro Khanna says that ending the war is “now a mainstream position within the Democratic…

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‘Stop the War!’ – Yemeni-Americans Condemn Trump and Saudi Arabia Outside UN

Yemeni-Americans called for an end to the US-Saudi war on their home, at a protest outside the United Nations General Assembly. Ben Norton reports. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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