Tag: daily news

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Why Is the Anti-War Movement Still so Weak Under Trump?

The anti-war movement, once strong under Bush, died under Obama, and still is weak under Trump. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with CODEPINK’s Ariel Gold about the power of the military-industrial complex and the campaign to…

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How Climate Change will Reduce Crop Yields and Spike Food Prices

A new study shows how climate change will impact global food security, particularly by reducing crop yields and increasing crop yield volatility. This, in turn, will have a strong effect on the prices of basic…

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US Gov’t Treats Dogs Better than Detained Immigrant Children

While the US Department of Homeland Security puts immigrant children in cages, Customs and Border Protection treats dogs to “plush double-sided sheepskin bedding” at a pet resort. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with investigative journalist Ken…

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Exclusive from Arizona: A Once Silent Crisis is Now a Deafening Cry (Pt 2/2)

Despite signing the end of family separation, “zero tolerance” policies are still in place, turning a decade long crisis into a larger problem Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Why Did You Start The Real News?

As part of our summer fundraiser special series, Dharna Noor asks Paul Jay why he started The Real News Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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MD Voters Weigh-in on Progressive vs. Establishment Showdown

MD Voters Weigh-in on Progressive vs. Establishment Showdown Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only)…

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Poor People’s Campaign Culminates 40 Days of Action in DC

Activists gathered from across the US in Washington DC to cap off 40 days of action for the Poor People’s Campaign. TRNN’s Eddie Conway reports from the rally and from labor protest at George Washington…

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Rattling the Bars: Debbie Sims Africa Released from Prison after Serving 40 Years

Debbie Sims Africa is one of the “Move Nine” who were charged and convicted for the murder of a police officer in 1978. Black Agenda Report’s Glen Ford and TRNN’s Eddie Conway discuss the release…

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US Gov’t Regime Change Machine Exacerbates Nicaragua’s Violent Protests

As Nicaragua’s leftist government faces a violent right-wing insurgency, journalist Max Blumenthal discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton how the regime change machinery bankrolled by the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy boasted of “laying the…

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Ex-CIA Interrogator Trains ICE Agents in ‘Counterterrorism’ as They Terrorize Immigrants

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement pays a private security firm run by former top CIA interrogator Barry McManus to train ICE agents in intelligence and “counterterrorism.” TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with investigative journalist Ken Klippenstein….

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show

Eze and Khalilah talk about the week’s Baltimore stories which include a conversation with a mother whose son she says was murdered by a police officer in 2006, the end of the Poor People’s Campaign,…

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The History of Race and Labor in the USA (1/2)

On the Marc Steiner Show, Marc talks to Bill Fletcher about the history of race and racism in US labor from African slavery to today Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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General Motors Held Responsible for Abuses in its Plant in Colombia

A protest at the annual GM shareholders’ meeting in Detroit called attention to the fact that GM in Colombia regularly fires injured workers and fails to provide them with compensation. Frank Hammer, who recently visited…

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Jewish American Explains Why She Supports Palestine and BDS

CODEPINK organizer Ariel Gold discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton why she supports BDS and the movement for Palestinian rights: “The actions of the state of Israel do not represent my values as an American Jew.”…

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Mexico’s Economic Growth Failure: Decades in the Making

As Mexicans get ready to vote for a new president on Sunday, they will probably punish the political class that led the country into a 30-year economic slump. CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot analyzes Mexico’s economic performance…

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Marylanders Turn Out for Early Voting

Maryland saw a 57% increase in early voters. Voters discuss the issues that matter to them at the ballot box Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Is Flint Michigan’s Water Quality Really Restored?

Flint residents and activists argue Governor Rick Snyder’s claim of water restoration in Flint is based on flawed research as it excludes lead testing in schools Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Dimitri Lascaris Reporting From Spain Aboard The Freedom Flotilla

Podemos MEP Miguel Urban-Crespo and Spanish Playwright Lola Blasco Explain Why They Are Participating in the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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LIVE: Maryland Democratic Primary Watch Party and Analysis

Maryland 2018 primary elections results and interviews live from Ida B’s Table. Hosted by Khalilah M. Harris. Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Supreme Court Ratifies Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’: ‘A Clear Violation of Rights’

The Supreme Court has given the President the power to discriminate against foreigners based on religious or ethnic background, says Ibraham Qatabi, of the Center for Constitutional Rights Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Left Candidate Lopez Obrador Leads Mexican Presidential Race by an Insurmountable Margin

Mexico’s July 1 presidential election is likely to lead to a historic result as the center-left candidate Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador leads the race by 25 percentage points over his closest rival. We talk to…

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The Billionaire Class is Not Fit to Rule – Paul Jay

The ruling elites are creating a world where the majority of people suffer the consequences of the climate crisis and massive unemployment while the super-rich use artificial intelligence to save themselves – a commentary by…

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Wilkerson: Don’t Trust Trump, Bolton to Deliver US-North Korea Peace

The US has suspended war games as part of Trump’s commitment in Singapore, but his administration can’t be trusted to deliver a comprehensive denuclearization deal with North Korea, says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson Visit http://therealnews.com for…

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Trump Withdrawing US from UN Human Rights Council Is Hypocritical ‘Diplomatic Blackmail’

Former UN lawyer Alfred de Zayas says Trump’s withdrawal “is a symbolic act; it is like a slap on the face of the United Nations,” and US Ambassador Nikki Haley is “accusing the Human Rights…

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Why the Freedom Flotilla Must Sail: A Conversation with Portuguese MP Bruno Dias

The President of the Portugal-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group Says the Oppressed People of Gaza Need Hope and Solidarity Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting 3x Faster Than Expected: Sea Level Rise Inevitable

A major new study shows that Antarctica’s ice sheet is melting far faster than previously and than has been predicted, meaning that sea levels will rise faster than expected. We speak to the study’s lead…

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‘Space Force’, $716B Defense Bill Take Wasteful Military Spending to New Heights

President Trump’s “Space Force” would escalate US efforts to militarize space just as a new Senate bill calls for a massive $716 billion in military spending. We discuss the stratospheric expansion of the US military…

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