Tag: daily news

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The New Poor People’s Campaign Continues the Work of the Civil Rights Movement

Poverty, racism, and militarism were the triple evils Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. organized against in the 1960s. Today’s Poor People’s Campaign is committed to eliminating these global problems by focusing on their root causes…

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‘I Refuse to Let This City Sweep My Son’s Death Under the Rug’

In our ongoing series of stories investigating the consequences of decades of unconstitutional and racist policing we spoke to Greta Carter-Willis, whose 14-year old son was shot dead by police in 2006 in the kitchen…

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Bitcoin Does Not Protect Against Fraud

There is a common misconception that the cryptocurrency Bitcoin is safe and secure and will protect those who trade in it from fraud. However, as white collar criminologist Bill Black explains, Bitcoin is just as…

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Erdogan Accelerates Attacks on Syria and Iraq in Lead-up to Turkish Election

Turkish President Erdogan is escalating military intervention in northern Syria and Iraq as the snap election approaches. Scholar Baris Karaagac says this is part of a political strategy to unite right-wing nationalist forces. It is…

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Trump’s Trade War with China: A Great Miscalculation

Trump and his advisors seem to be extremely ill-informed about the ways in which China can retaliate, even though the US can impose tariffs on more Chinese goods, than China can impose on the US,…

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Protesters Call for End to Cataclysmic War as Yemenis Starve

Activists from the DSA Anti-War Working Group and Action Corps NYC protested outside the UAE consulate, demanding an end to the US-backed Emirati/Saudi war on Yemen, warning the assault on Hodeida could unleash a famine…

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Trump Worsens US Immigration System’s Cruelty

By separating immigrant children from their parents, Trump has taken the “nightmare” of the immigration system under his predecessors and “put it into overdrive,” says professor and author César García Hernández Visit http://therealnews.com for more…

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The Near Release of Brazil’s Lula

Judge Sérgio Moro intervened from vacation to ensure that former president Lula would not be released, says Brian Mier of Brasil Wire. We talk to him about the process by which Lula was almost released…

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We Need a Vision to Fight For

Paul Jay says that at TRNN, investigating and reporting on effective solutions is a crucial part of our mission Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Israel Shuts Vital Crossing, But Gazans Will Not ‘Die in Silence’

Israel has intensified its crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip by closing the only crossing for commercial goods. Former Gaza health minister Dr. Basem Naim discusses the impact on a devastated health system and says…

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Budget-Busting Police Overtime Prompts City Council Pushback

City Council is proposing monthly meetings to monitor BPD overtime spending, which continues to run millions of dollars over budget Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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As Brexit Throws UK Gov’t in Turmoil, ‘We See Only the Shadows’ of What is Really Happening

Prof. John Weeks talks about what is behind the Brexit maneuvering that has led to Boris Johnson’s and David Davis’s resignations from Theresa May’s cabinet and how this will affect the process by which the…

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Nationwide Protests Demand End to Family Separations

Over 100 protesters in Baltimore demonstrated against the detention of Marta Rodriguez, who faces deportation to Honduras. Councilman Zeke Cohen says the U.S. must take in migrants displaced as a result of its policies Visit…

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Polish Government Purges Judiciary to Ensure Free Reign

Prof. Bartosz M. Rydlinski explains the new program of the Law and Justice Party and the implications these ‘copy and paste’ policies from Hungary are having on Polish democracy Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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How the Capitalist System Survives on Neo-Colonial and Imperial Exploitation (Pt. 3/3)

Activist Baba Aye concludes his interview with TRNN’s Ben Norton, discussing the ongoing harms of colonialism and imperialism in Africa and the Global South, and how they are an integral part of the capitalist system….

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Neo-Colonialism Still Binds and Exploits Africa for Corporate Profits (Pt. 2/3)

Activist Baba Aye continues his discussion with TRNN’s Ben Norton about French President Emmanuel Macron and the ongoing harms of colonialism and imperialism in Africa and the Global South. Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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France’s Macron Tells Africans to Just ‘Move on’ After a Century of Murderous Colonialism (Pt. 1/3)

France’s neoliberal President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly told people in Nigeria, Algeria, and beyond to just “move on” after a century of murderous colonialism. Activist Baba Aye speaks with TRNN’s Ben Norton about the ongoing…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: July 6, 2018

Dharna and Khalilah talk about the local movement for affordable housing, a workers strike at a local Target, the price of water, the prevalence of wrongful imprisonment and the effect of Justice Kennedy’s resignation on…

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Ukrainian Fascist Leader Speaks in US Congress, While Nazis Launch Racist Attacks

Journalist Max Blumenthal asked why a fascist leader was welcomed in the US Senate building. He discusses Andriy Parubiy, the founder of two neo-Nazi organizations and the chair of Ukraine’s parliament, and the violent white…

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Is Capitalism In Crisis? Author of ‘Karl Marx’s Capital and The Present’ Responds

The fundamental proneness to crisis under capitalism was not overcome in the Golden Age of Capitalism and crisis in the late 1960s ushered in an era of finance by opening new avenues for accumulating wealth…

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South Sudan: Former Rivals Forge Foundation for Peace

The just signed ceasefire agreement in South Sudan’s bloody civil war is an important step forward, but it remains too early to know whether it will last, says Khalid Ahmed, of University of Toronto Visit…

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Democratic Party Elites Feel the Grassroots Heat

A proposal to curb superdelegates and the primary win of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are putting Democratic Party elites on edge, says Norman Solomon Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Trump Admin’s Roll-Back of Affirmative Action will Reduce Black Enrollment

Trump officials announced that schools and colleges should no longer use racial diversity as guideline for admissions. The consequence will be lower enrollment figures for people of color and a set-up for a new Supreme…

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Is Target Doing Right by its Employees?

Employees at a Baltimore County Target lead an action to bring attention to claims of racism, sexism, and ableism by managers Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate….

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Militarizing US Schools and Society Only Creates More Gun Violence and Police Brutality

TRNN’s Ben Norton continues his discussion with Boston teacher Nino Brown, of the ANSWER Coalition, on the links between US militarism, gun violence, and police brutality. Nino Brown argues militarizing schools and more heavily arming…

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Fed Lets Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Off Hook, Investors Profit Billions

Even though Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley failed the so-called ‘stress test,’ to determine whether these banks can weather a financial crisis, the Fed allowed them to pay billions in dividends and stock buybacks to…

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What Makes this Historical Moment so Urgent?

Paul Jay talks about the unique urgency of our current situation. Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…

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