Tag: labor

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New anti-union law in UK takes aim at strike wave

Read the transcript of this interview: After a two-day work stoppage last week by Britain’s rail workers, Parliament is threatening new legislation that would require striking workers to continue providing a “minimum service” while striking….

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UC student employee union president explains UC strike

The largest strike in the US since 2019 is currently underway across University of California campuses. 48,000 teaching assistants, postdocs, researchers and graders on the front lines of teaching and research at California’s prestigious public…

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Workers are essential, capitalists are not w/Maximillian Alvarez | The Chris Hedges Report

TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his recent book on the lives of frontline workers in the COVID-19 pandemic, The Work of Living. Link to the book: https://www.orbooks.com/catalog/the-work-of-living/ Production: Dwayne…

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UK teachers join nationwide strike wave

TRNN heads to a protest in central London and speaks directly with striking teachers, pupils, and other unions who have came out for Britain’s largest strike in a decade. This video is part of a…

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What it’s like to be an ambulance driver in Rishi Sunak’s UK

Spiking inflation is generating a global cost of living crisis, and Britain is no exception. As workers across industries hit the picket lines to denounce privatization and demand action from the Tory government to raise…

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British nurses strike to save NHS and for higher wages

After decades of targeted underfunding, the UK’s National Health Service is on the verge of collapse. Spiking inflation as a result of corporate profiteering in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine War…

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Madrid’s doctors are striking—is private healthcare on the way in Spain?

Every Wednesday since Nov. 2022, over 1,000 healthcare workers in Madrid have staged walkouts in protest of working conditions which they say undermine their ability to provide proper care and threaten patient health. Producers: Sato…

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‘We will die for our motherland’ | Peru fights back against Boluarte coup government

Over 50 people have been killed by military and police in more than two months of demonstrations for new elections and a new constitution following the ouster of democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo. Producer: Martín Varese…

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Meet the Teamsters unionizing the cannabis industry

As more states and districts around the country push for legalization, the cannabis industry has exploded in recent years, with researchers estimating that the industry could generate over $70 billion in sales by 2030. While…

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70,000 UK higher ed faculty strike across 150 universities

Britain’s higher education union, the UCU, has called multiple days of strike action for fair wages and work conditions, joining millions of workers picketing across the UK. Producer, videographer and video editor: Ross Domoney This…

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He tried to organize Home Depot’s first union. Then they fired him.

Former Home Depot employee Vince Quiles recounts his experience organizing to form the home improvement retail chain’s first union. The Real News is an independent, viewer-supported, radical media network. Help us expand our in-depth analysis…

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The people vs. capital: French unions continue fight against Macron’s pension reforms

On Feb. 7, France’s eight largest unions turned out for the third strike of the year against Emanuel Macron’s deeply unpopular pension reforms. This video is part of a special Workers of the World series…

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Tory austerity, Ukraine War inflation behind UK postal workers’ strike

Massive mobilizations and strikes have been witnessed in the UK over the last couple of months against the Tory government for failing to tackle the ongoing cost of living crisis. Postal workers, railway workers, public…

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Workers at Amazon, Starbucks, Home Depot, etc. share strategies for unionizing your workplace

We hosted another Working People live show on Feb. 22 in New York City, in collaboration with the Action Builder / Action Network team and The People’s Forum. In this panel discussion, introduced by Amazon…

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Workers Strike Back coalition for a $25 min wage & more w/Kshama Sawant | The Chris Hedges Report

After over a decade on Seattle City Council, socialist Kshama Sawant is launching a national coalition called Workers Strike Back to fight for wages, universal healthcare, LGBTQ rights, a clean energy transition, and more. Kshama…

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‘We must make Macron back down’: French workers launch indefinite strike against pension reforms

After weeks of targeted strikes, French President Emmanuel Macron refuses to change course on his plans to reform the country’s beloved pension system. Last week, unions across France upped the ante and launched an indefinite…

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Inside the UK’s first Amazon strike

Amazon’s business, and Jeff Bezos’s wealth, expanded at a dizzying pace over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic; meanwhile, Amazon workers continue to burn out from the relentless pace of work and are struggling to…

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Türkiye cracks down on May Day workers’ protests ahead of election

For years, the working class of Türkiye has been caught in the vice-grip of a global economic downturn and a government hostile to their interests. Now, with presidential elections coming up on May 14, speculation…

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Kayla Denker speaks out against death threats, transphobic backlash

Kayla Denker is a military veteran and a trained archaeologist who has worked in the private sector and for the US Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. She is also a trans woman…

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350,000 Teamsters are about to take on UPS

Click here to read the transcript: https://therealnews.com/350000-teamsters-are-about-to-take-on-ups Under the new leadership team led by General President Sean M. O’Brien, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters are re-introducing themselves to the bosses and to the world as…

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Women strike in Barcelona for fair pay, migrant justice, and more

The degradation of women’s labor and social standing is a global feature of capitalism. In Barcelona, Catalonia, 60,000 women took to the streets for a one-day general strike called by Spanish union CGT on International…

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Why Colombians support Gustavo Petro, their new president

The popular forces of Colombia have been at odds with the forces of their state for decades. Yet this year on May Day, crowds of people mobilized not in opposition to their government but in…

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From a shop steward to vice president of his union—Tevita Uhatafe explains how to fight your boss

For the past five years, Tevita Uhatafe of TWU Local 567 has dedicated himself to advancing the labor movement. Known affectionately as “Mic Guy,” Uhatafe has traveled from coast to coast to rally in solidarity…

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What Union Pacific and the media aren’t telling you about the Baker, CA, train derailment

This Feb., Norfolk Southern’s train derailment catastrophe in East Palestine, Ohio dragged the decrepit state of the US rail system into the national spotlight. A rash of other railroad catastrophes in recent weeks has only…

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Is it time to nationalize the railroads? Freight workers say yes

The train derailment disaster in East Palestine, Ohio catapulted the degraded condition of the US’s freight rail network into national consciousness. But workers have been sounding the alarm for years. Long hours, short staffs, poor…

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Temple Uni grad students WON their strike. Here’s how they did it.

On Jan. 31 of this year, the Temple University Graduate Students’ Association (TUGSA) launched the first strike in their 25-year history. The decision to strike came as a result of years of organizing that largely…

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Why the UK is failing its NHS healthcare workers

Several unions of National Health Service workers in the UK have rejected a 5 percent raise offer from the government and are continuing to picket and strike. Long a target of Tory austerity measures, NHS…

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