Tag: labor

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WGA rep explains the Hollywood writers strike

Hollywood writers represented by the Writers Guild of America, East, and the Writers Guild of America, West, are on strike for the first time since 2007-08. As Alex Press writes in Jacobin, “The WGA (West…

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Police violence, gentrification, and racial capitalism w/Robin D. G. Kelley

In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George…

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DeMaurice Smith: The Exit Interview | Edge of Sports with Dave Zirin, Episode 1

In the premiere episode of the all-new series Edge of Sports, host Dave Zirin interviews DeMaurice Smith, outgoing Executive Director of the NFL Players Association. The episode also touches on the controversy surrounding Baltimore Ravens…

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Staffers in Congress are sick and tired—they want a union!

Behind every elected official in Congress, whether beloved or reviled, is an army of staffers and aides who do everything from writing bills to organizing meetings, politicking—and all too frequently, no shortage of objectively degrading…

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Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

In the West Bank of occupied Palestine, workers queue up at Israeli military checkpoints on their commutes to work. These workers are made to walk in single file through humiliating metal structures that are set…

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Indonesia protests big reversal on labor rights

Trade unions in Indonesia are mobilizing workers by the thousands to protest the 2020 Omnibus Bill, which significantly undermines many labor protections won under the 2003 Labor Law. President Jokowi Widodo argues that more labor…

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‘The president forced our comrade to die’—South Korea’s unions vs. Yoon Seok Yeol

On May 1, 2023, Yang Hoe-Dong, district leader of the Korean Construction Workers’ Union, fatally set himself on fire in protest of the Yoon Seok Yeol’s racketeering charges against him. Yang was just one of…

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Demaurice Smith full interview | Edge of Sports

DeMaurice Smith’s tenure as the Executive Director of the NFL Players’ Association has coincided with a “maelstrom” of issues plaguing players’ rights on the field. In this full interview from Episode 1 of Edge of…

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East Palestine, 100 Days Later | Working People

It’s been over 100 days since the catastrophic derailment of a Norfolk Southern train carrying over 100,000 gallons of toxic materials occurred in East Palestine, Ohio, on Feb 3. Since then, residents of East Palestine…

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Labor must join the fight to stop ‘Cop City’ | Working People

Plans to build Cop City have been mired in controversy and civil rights violations from the beginning—from the city government’s attempts to ignore residents’ and activists’ objections and force through the construction of Cop City…

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UPS strike averted?? Live discussion with Teamsters

Update (7/25/23): The International Brotherhood of Teamsters have reportedly reached a tentative agreement with UPS just days before the current contract was set to expire on July 31. If a new deal was not reached…

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Everyone needs a union—even minor league baseball players

We hosted another Working People live show, in collaboration with the Action Builder / Action Network team, on May 8 at the 30th Constitutional Convention of the Canadian Labour Congress in Montréal. In this panel…

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The Showdown at UPS | Working People

We are less than two weeks away from what could be the largest single-employer strike in US history. As of this recording, contract negotiations between United Parcel Services (UPS) and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters…

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The persecution of Jeremy Corbyn w/Asa Winstanley | The Chris Hedges Report

Jeremy Corbyn’s ascendance to the leadership of the UK Labour Party in 2015 offered hope for a revival of the British left. With decades of experience and principled opposition to war and privatization under his…

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What the hell is going on with the UK?

The once mighty United Kingdom is displaying all the signs of a rapidly deteriorating and declining power, and its politics are one of the surest indicators of this. In the past year, the country’s reigning…

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What it’s really like working in the legal cannabis industry

Legalizing pot has opened the floodgates to a new multibillion dollar industry in multiple states. But where there are high profits, there’s often high exploitation. The experience of unionized cannabis delivery drivers and warehouse workers…

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Why you should unionize your workplace

Unionizing—it’s so hot right now. Whether you’re a barista, a warehouse worker, or a package car driver, whether you work in Hollywood or higher education, the voracious corporate greed and exploitation workers across sectors are…

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Slave labor and sexism at Shoprite Namibia

Content warning: This story contains references to suicide. Shoprite Holdings, the largest supermarket retail chain in Africa, is under fire from workers organizing against grueling work conditions. The current surge in organizing follows the suicide…

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Why UPS Teamsters could strike Aug 1 | Working People

The largest private sector labor contract in the US is set to expire at midnight on July 31; as negotiations continue to play out, we will soon see whether or not the 350,000 Teamsters working…

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Don’t let your boss use your ‘dream job’ as an excuse not to pay you

The Philadelphia Art Museum is an icon of the City of Brotherly Love, and there’s no shortage of art lovers who wouldn’t consider a chance to work there to be a dream job. But passion…

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Whistleblower railroad worker FIRED by Union Pacific for raising alarm about public safety

When we hear the term “whistleblower,” we tend to think of names like Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange—people who have risked their freedom, even their lives, to expose government lies, abuses of…

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It’s time for labor unions to embrace migrant workers

Most wealthy nations in the west have turned to migrant workers to keep a variety of industries afloat. But while the cheap labor of immigrants is welcomed, the migrants themselves are not. Canada is no…

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Inside the shadowy, lucrative business of ‘union avoidance consultants’

Most people often think of “union-busting” only in terms of overt and even illegal tactics like termination and intimidation, but most bosses first opt for subtler, more sophisticated activities to discourage worker organizing. Enter the…

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Anchor Brewing shuts down! Workers want a co-op

After 127 years of operation, San Francisco’s beloved Anchor Brewing Company shut down operations earlier this year. Bought by Sapporo in 2017, Anchor Brewing’s revenues had been declining for years before the call was made…

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STRIKE update: SAG-AFTRA & Pittsburgh Post-Gazette workers hold the line

Bob Batz Jr., who has been on strike at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette since October 2022, and Bethany Anne Lind, a SAG-AFTRA actor who has been on strike since July 2023, speak with TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian…

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Slovenian workers FIGHT BACK amid cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine | Working People

Ana Jakopič is a lawyer, organizer, and trade union leader in Slovenia. Currently, Ana is working as a field organizer and lawyer for KS 90, the Trade Union Confederation 90 of Slovenia (Konfederacija Sindikatov 90…

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How immigrant warehouse workers took on Amazon and won | Working People

As a single mother, a Muslim, and a Somali-American worker living in Minnesota, Khali Jama has always had to fight for the life she, her family, and her fellow workers deserve. And earlier this year,…

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