Tag: Mohammed Bin Salman

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Whitewashed Saudi ‘Reformer’ Prince Boosts Authoritarian Crackdown on Dissent

The regime of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is punishing satire on social media with 5 years in prison and sentencing women’s rights activists to death. CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin speaks about the Western whitewash…

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Saudi Royals Consolidated Power by Destroying the Workers’ and Democratic Movements – Q&A (Pt 2/6)

Paul Jay and host Ben Norton discuss how by destroying legitimate opposition movements, the Saudi royals created a vacuum the was filled by al Qaeda and other extreme Islamist forces Watch full series: https://therealnews.com/series/the-u-s-and-the-saudis-qa-with-paul-jay Visit…

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Khashoggi Picked the Wrong Prince

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi should be denounced. Professor As`ad AbuKhalil says western media’s uncritical praise of Khashoggi is unworthy, he was a loyal member of the Saudi propaganda apparatus and chose the wrong side…

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Why Did Turkey Go Public With Murder Accusation Against Saudis Royals?

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay analyze why Saudi Arabia is getting away doing as it pleases and how this relates to Turkey’s role in the region Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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Don’t Forget The Saudi Role in 9/11 – Q&A (Pt 6/6)

Paul Jay says the Saudi dictatorship only exists to enable US domination of the Middle East, and has been committing war crimes for decades with American approval – From a live recording on October 16th,…

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Will The US Turn on the Saudi Crown Prince? Q&A (Pt 4/6)

Real News senior editor Paul Jay says the Saudi crown prince is becoming a liability for the Trump administration’s strategy for regime change in Iran – From a live recording on October 16th, 2018 Visit…

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The US Loves Dictators and Volatility in the Middle East – Q&A (Pt 5/6)

Paul Jay says US policy in the Middle East is not aimed at defending national security, but is primarily driven by the interests of arms and fossil fuel industries – From a live recording on…

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MBS Crimes a Distraction for US Regime Change Plan in Iran – Q&A with Paul Jay (Pt 3/6)

Lindsey Graham, a key spokesman for neocons and the military-industrial-complex, has said it’s time for MBS to go – From a live recording on October 16th, 2018 with Paul Jay and Ben Norton Watch full…

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US & UK Not Truly Committed to Ending Saudi ‘Total War’ on Yemen

While the US and UK have called for a ceasefire in Yemen, Col. Larry Wilkerson says they are not truly committed to ending Saudi Arabia’s “total war” on Yemen. Trump and May are saving face…

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Why Did CIA Turn Against Saudi Crown Prince MBS? It’s More than Khashoggi

CIA officials are signaling Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman must be replaced. Is this all about the killing of Jamal Khashoggi? Professor Asad AbuKhalil tells Ben Norton there are other political reasons. Visit https://therealnews.com…

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World Leaders Fight Over Turbulent Oil Market at G20 Summit

As world leaders gather for the G20 summit, oil is at the top of the list of issues. Scholar Vijay Prashad discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton the fight between the US, Russia, China, and Saudi…

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Amid Middle East Realignment & Saudi Blockade, Qatar Withdraws from OPEC

Qatar is withdrawing from oil organization OPEC, while Saudi Arabia continues its blockade. Colonel Larry Wilkerson says this is part of a larger realignment in the Middle East, as Turkey exerts more influence Visit https://therealnews.com…

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The Real Problem Is the US-Saudi Relationship, Not Just Crown Prince MBS

Peace activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK discusses with Ben Norton how US support for the Saudi monarchy must be fundamentally challenged. Some American officials want a cosmetic change, simply replacing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman,…

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The Rogue Crown Prince & the Dangerous US-Saudi-Israel Alliance

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss the US Senate resolution condemning Mohamed Bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi; there is concern amongst the neocons of both major parties that MBS is undermining…

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G20 Members Dole Out Coal Subsidies Despite Climate Crisis Talk

A new report documents G20 member states giving $63.9 billion in subsidies per year to King Coal, while professing the urgency of the climate crisis. The study says this may “underestimate the actual amounts of…

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Impulsive Saudi Crown Prince Cracks Down, Rattles Global Markets

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman arrested high-ranking members of his family and launched an oil price war with Russia, tanking the market. Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin says it just demonstrates how impulsive and capricious MBS’s…

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Turkey Indicts 20 Saudis For Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder Amidst COVID-19 Crisis

Turkey prepared the charges while internally grappling with the coronavirus, accusing Saudi Arabia of hiding the spread of COVID-19 after finding new cases in returning Turkish citizens. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar…

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Canada Resumes Selling Arms To Saudi Warmongers

Now in the midst of a crisis, Canada will lift its embargo and sell armored vehicles to the Saudi military, which is engaged in brutal repression inside the country and the ongoing war in Yemen….

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