Tag: real news

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Truck Rams Anti-ICE Protest in Rhode Island

A corrections officer allegedly struck Never Again protestors with his truck outside of the Wyatt Detention Facility in Rhode Island, hospitalizing two while other protestors were pepper sprayed by law enforcement Update: A Captain involved…

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Epstein May Be Just One Part of an Intricate Network of Sex and Power

Journalist Whitney Webb’s MintPress series looks at the sordid history tying together mobsters, oligarchs, and government intelligence agencies in a web of blackmail, exploitation, and profit  Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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Immigrants Welcome to the US as Long as They Are White and Wealthy

The Trump’s administration’s Kenneth Cuccinelli rewrites Emma Lazarus’s words on the Statue of Liberty, telling the poor and oppressed they’re no longer welcome. This comes right after Trump proposes to limit legal migration to the…

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Epstein’s Death Should Generate Investigations, Not Conspiracy Theories

Anti-Clinton/Trump hashtags will not get to the bottom of Epstein’s death, or how the rich and powerful’s involvement in child sex abuse, The Nation’s Jeet Heer explains Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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United States and Turkey Agree to a Syrian “Safe Zone,” Betraying the Kurds

Baris Karaagac discusses how the U.S allowed the Turkish government seize land in northern Syria to counter Russian and Iranian influence in spite of former Kurdish allies Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Federal Judge Continues Chelsea Manning’s Confinement and $1000 a Day Fine

Manning could be jailed for another 400 days and owe $144,00 because of an unprecedented decision by Bush-Appointed Judge Tenga. Kevin Gosztola discusses the latest development Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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What Can We Learn From the History of Struggle Against White Supremacy?

White supremacy has a very long history in North America. We discuss its origins and the history of struggle against it with Prof. Gerald Horne, to see what we can be learnt for confronting white…

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How Israel’s Erasure of Palestinian History Perpetuates Occupation

Prof. Ilan Pappe discusses why Israel’s agency in charge of nuclear security hid documents about the Nakba, the catastrophe in which Palestinians were driven from their land in 1948, explaining that it was an effort…

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The Baltimore Trash Video Fox News Doesn’t Want You To See

A closer look at Fox News reporting reveals that the narrative espoused by President Trump that Baltimore is, “rat and rodent infested” is complicated by people from outside of Baltimore using the city as their…

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Israel’s Flagship Lobby Organization Collapses

Richard Silverstein discusses the fall of The Israel Project (TIP), the best-funded organization promoting pro-Israeli propaganda in the United States and around the world. Why did TIP collapse and what does this mean for organizing…

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New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change

Greenpeace’s Diana Ruiz discusses the new IPCC Climate report, “Climate Change and Land,” which issues a dire warning about how climate change and destructive land use reinforce each other, leading to serious threats for human…

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Will Germany Become the Military Power it Once Was?

Annette Groth discusses the three demands by the U.S to Germany to increase its military power and presence overseas, and the new right-wing minister of defense Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. For now Germany is loathe to send…

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4Chan’s and 8Chan’s Internet-Brewed Racism Informs Trump’s Rhetoric

The BBC’s Mike Wendling explains the history of a message board subculture and discusses his book, “Alt-Right: From 4Chan to the White House” Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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New Israeli Military Strategies for Annexation and Undermining Palestinian Identity

Shir Hever discusses two new Israeli military strategies, presented by Israeli chief of staff Aviv Kochavi, who calls for a more deadly invasion of Gaza, and former general Yossi Kuperwasser’s plan of “changing the Palestinian…

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Death by Police is Now the 6th Leading Cause of Death Among Young Men

It was once believed that police killings were the 14th leading cause of death among young people. However, a new Rutgers University study by Frank Edwards, which used federal statistics and journalistic investigation found that…

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Exclusive: Baltimore Cop Convicted of Pulling Gun on Pedestrian He Almost Hit

The Real News has learned a Baltimore police officer was convicted of 1st degree assault for pulling a gun  on pedestrian who he almost hit with his car. Please join Taya Graham and Stephen Janis…

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Russia’s President Putin Cracks Down, Despite Maintaining Broad Popular Support

Russia expert Tony Wood discusses the arrest and possible poisoning of Alexei Navalny, who was banned from running in local elections and protested that decision. Putin’s apparent effort to contain Navalny, even though he poses…

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White Nationalist Terror Attack in El Paso Was Not an Isolated Incident

Gerald Horne and Arun Gupta outline the history of white terror in America and what its modern manifestation means for our future  Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Democrats “Are Not Speaking to the Needs of Immigrants and Communities of Color”

Immigrant communities and people of color in the US are highly suspicious of the Democratic Party. However, there is a group of young democratic politicians from members of these communities who are giving hope Subscribe…

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Right-Wing Extremist Scott Presler Organizes Trash Clean Up in West Baltimore

Inspired by Trump, right-wing extremist Scott Presler organizes a “Clean Up” event in West Baltimore, but is this altruism or a political ploy for Trump? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Trump’s China Trade War Increases Risk of Recession

Trump accuses China of currency manipulation because their currency devalued in the wake of his tariffs. However, as Bill Black explains, this accusation has no basis in fact. Instead, Trump’s trade war only increases the…

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Trump’s New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

Trump’s claim that China is paying for the tariffs is completely false and basically serves to redirect income from his poor supporters to his wealthy supporters. Not only that, the policy will have the consequence…

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UN Report on Child Casualties Blacklists only Muslim Perpetrators

Secretary General Antionio Guterres presented the report on child casualties in war to the Security Council on Friday. Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen are the areas with the highest numbers of child casualties, followed by Palestine….

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Brazilians Fight Far-Right Campaign to Silence Greenwald & Intercept Leaks

Hundreds of Brazilians rallied in defense of U.S. journalist Glenn Greenwald, on Tuesday. Greenwald has been threatened to be deported, imprisoned, and even killed, because of his role in the release of the on-going bombshell…

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2nd Democratic Debate, Pt. 1: The Moderate/Progressive Divide Came Through (1/3)

The first part of the second democratic debate showed a non-rancorous divide on how to beat Trump and fresh discussions first-use of nuclear weapons and for getting out of Afghanistan Subscribe to our page and…

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Why Yet Another General Election for Spain?

Spain’s Socialist party PSOE and the leftist Unidas Podemos party failed to form a coalition government and now new elections loom if new talks go nowhere. It looks like PSOE’s lack of interest in a…

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2nd Democratic Debate, Pt 1: Battle Over Medicare for All and Fixing Immigration (2/3)

The debate allowed candidates to show how support for Medicare for All and humanity at the U.S. border are key issues in 2020. With guests Kimberly Moffit and Jeet Heer, hosted by Marc Steiner Subscribe…

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