Tag: tariffs

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Trump’s Trade Wars: An Opportunity to Refashion the Intellectual Property Regime?

One of the main arguments for imposing tariffs on China is that China is undermining the intellectual property of US companies. China can now either retaliate against US tariffs or take this opportunity to help…

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Defiant Trump Ignites Trade War with Canada and G-7 Allies

Citing national security issues to get around WTO rules, Trump ordered tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum imports from Canada and EU countries. William Black and Gerald Epstein discusses the…

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Trump’s Trade War with China: A Great Miscalculation

Trump and his advisors seem to be extremely ill-informed about the ways in which China can retaliate, even though the US can impose tariffs on more Chinese goods, than China can impose on the US,…

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China’s GDP Growth Slows Down: Is it Trump’s Trade War?

Prof. David Kotz argues that the trade war is counter-productive for everyone, including the US, because it does not include a plan for an industrial policy. The conflict foreshadows increasing unresolvable tensions between the two…

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GM’s Layoffs Made Possible by Weak Unions, Automatization, and Bad Priorities

Prof. Leo Panitch and former auto worker Frank Hammer discuss how the GM’s 14,000 layoffs in Canada and the US are made possible by the weakening of unions, outsourcing, and misdirected production priorities Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Trump’s Trade Policy Towards China: A Distraction to Benefit the Rich

As stock markets around the world are reeling from contradictory Trump administration signals regarding US policy towards China, we look at: Who benefits? And: What would a better trade policy towards China look like? CEPR’s…

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Trump’s China Tariffs: A Misplaced Strategy for the US Economy

Instead of imposing additional tariffs, which will hurt the Chinese and U.S. economies, the U.S. should have its own research and development strategy, says Richard Vague, author of The Next Economic Disaster Subscribe to our…

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Trump’s Mexico Tariffs: A ‘Foolish’ Policy

The US has massive trade with Mexico, in both directions, which would be seriously impacted by Trump’s proposal to impose a progressively rising tariff on all Mexican imports until Mexico limits migration to the US….

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Trump’s New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

Trump’s claim that China is paying for the tariffs is completely false and basically serves to redirect income from his poor supporters to his wealthy supporters. Not only that, the policy will have the consequence…

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Phase One of US-China Trade Deal Is Mostly Symbolic

President Trump says his just-signed trade deal with China is unprecedented, but it’s mostly symbolic and has little to nothing to offer ordinary Americans, says Jocobin’s Nicole Aschoff. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio Engineer: Taylor…

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