Judge Cannon READY FOR BIG RULING in Trump Criminal Case

The Legal AF podcast anchors and trial lawyers Michael Popok and Karen Friedman Agnifilo, debate whether Judge Cannon, presiding over the Trump Mar a Lago case, knowing that the Supreme Court is interested in whether Trump has presidential immunity, will stay her case or reset it beyond the election.

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Author: phillynews215


29 thoughts on “Judge Cannon READY FOR BIG RULING in Trump Criminal Case

  1. The corruption starts at the Supreme Court with their bald-faced bail-out of Trump in the Jan. 6th case, so he can delay it until the election. So why not Aileen Cannon doing her bit for Trump. Ditto Scott McAfee in Georgia doing his best to smear and disqualify Fani Willis and refuse to set a trial date. These judges are a disgrace to the rule of law, but it comes from the top with the totally compromised Supremes.

  2. Oh judge cannon is playing catch me if you can or Im one step ahead of you. Judge Aileen Cannon is trying this case as a regular court session instead of whats at stake or the heart of the matter of Trump taking classified documents case and obstructing government efforts to retrieve them and now she is using tick tack toe with court dates.
    Jack Smith is gonna have his i's doted and T's crossed but have a plan in place to remove cannon legally from the case. I think the country is fed up with Cannon efforts to delay this case and let it move on forward so far its stalled for trump to gain momentum since trump knows He has lost all his bets and moves on this case so he is at the mercy of the court which Cannon knows this first hand and who is helping or got the hint or code of speaking in trump language. Cannon is stalling for time which is a game Jack smith will not tolerate and have Cannon removed by going over her head. Jack will have to play dirty to win this game of footsies with Cannon by kicking her off the bench for sure when it comes to moving this case forward.
    No more delays.

  3. Why does meidas touch keep saying Judge Cannon is of the case and then she isn't. This a headline from a year ago "Corrupt Judge CANNON Officially REMOVED from Mar-A-Lago Case".

  4. For me the Florida and DC cases as they are playing out tells me the sc and cannon know he is guilty.
    Thats why the sc and cannon want these cases playing out after the election . Giving trump a better chance of being elected and self pardon which will trigger years more of legal fighting.
    If is the way it plays out. Every american must take this as his guilt. No more innocent till proven guilty we must say guilty till proven innocent.
    Our democracy dictates us to do it. We must defend it at all costs. These judges have there thumbs on the scale of justice so we need to see they hear loudly we know what you are doing.
    For me i will vote blue down the line

  5. 1 year ago, I said that Trump would never face justice. When the indictments started coming down, I let myself think, “Maybe they’ve got him!” But now it appears that Trump will get away with everything. So disappointing… 😕

  6. Must be so sad to know that Trump is going to jail to die, and the vast majority of the world applauds it. They're mad that it's taking this long.

  7. Trump’s presidency has already made America a wounded bird who lost some ability to fly. Now we are witnessing in real time the bird gradually getting worse: Biden’s presidential and personal weakness, AG Garland’s slowness in bringing charges instead of jailing Trump for J6 or the classified docs theft and distribution may cost us dearly in November, I’m seriously afraid.

  8. Well, frankly, for a thinking person, the fact of not knowing the outcome of these cases before the election is in and of itself enough reason to vote against Trump. We know what the outcome of these cases would be if Trump won. That is enough info for both those who think the cases should all be dismissed, and those who think they shouldn't be.

  9. Thank you Michael and KFA for keeping us up to daye and educated. I have learned SO MUCH from you guys as well as Ben. I was actually able to back down a DJT supporter the other day with FACTS. I was surprised at myself. I was calm and gentle, but confident in my argument because I knew what I was saying was the truth.

  10. I PRAY that when this judge sees the content and import of these documents that Trump stole, she will realize she has been protecting a DANGEROUS TRAITOR. Maybe then she'll start acting like a REAL federal judge instead of a sycophantic handmaiden.

  11. She is extremely afraid of going to trial. From her point of view she doesn't want to be the first judge to preside over a past president federal criminal trial. She is afraid of Jack Smith and her delaying behavior shows just that. She is so over her head and is absolutely scared to ruin her career and future promotion to higher judicial appointments. This is what happens when one appoints no experience persons to high judgeships.

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