POLICE, Pro-Palestinian Protesters CLASH In NYC, NYPD NOT Stopping

Briahna Joy Gray and Niall Stanage discuss protests taking place in Israel over the war in Gaza. Originally aired May 20, 2024; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCGF_yFCg6Y

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Author: Rafael Nieves


45 thoughts on “POLICE, Pro-Palestinian Protesters CLASH In NYC, NYPD NOT Stopping

  1. Great to see Niall Stanage on the show again. Presumably, the AIPAC/ADL wing of Robby's funders is increasingly exerting pressure on him to avoid any criticism of Israel's actions.

  2. NYPD taking time off from soliciting bribes and munching donuts?
    Why not demonstrate this type of initiative and proactivity against the inner city thugs from the 'Hood and El Barrio? Too dangerous?

  3. Wow. Police brutality is still a thing in North America. Leave those gentle, kind-hearted revolutionaries alone. These protests are only gettin started. Wait til you see how we do it in Canada. 😏

  4. The most responsible and productive students in Western Universities/ Colleges / schools are the self disciplined Chinese and Japanese students. They not only excel in their curricula but they return to their country with skillsets and knowledge to responsibly synergise modernisation. No wonder both China and Japan are technologically empowered and self reliant.

  5. When it comes to these protestes, police are certifiable armed thugs protecting a corrupt state. In no world are they the 'good guys'.

  6. These PP protests are one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen in my life; it's truly the banality of evil.

  7. It is clear the USA is against the rule of law both domestically and Internationally. Welcome to the USA, no longer the leader of the free world, now it is just a fascist authoritarian state.

  8. Internet: Must say you disagree with genocide else the moderators ban you for hate speech.
    Real life: Can't say you disagree with genocide else the police will arrest you for protesting.

  9. Lawsuits should be filed for violating and suppressing by force the First Amendment of the American Constitution, and endangering the lives of people who try to enforce the First Amendment of the American Constitution.

  10. I'd be curious if the prior arrests mentioned were specifically from recent protests that were falsely classified "non-peaceful", and now twisted to try and justify these actions…

  11. Irish Spring mentions that this protest was also a commemoration of the nakba but fails to mention that the shrinking of Palestinian land back then was because they, along with five arab nations, attacked Israel and lost, and it was the fashion at the time throughout the world that when a neighbor attacks you and loses, you take some of their stuff plus territory to make up for the damage they caused and to remind them not to do it again. But of course Palestinians kept attacking and kept losing throughout the 50s and 60s. 5:15

  12. 5:00 listen to Brianna gaslight us into forgetting that she was pushing back at the notion that many the university protesters in New York were not students this past month

  13. These protesters believe that if the police order them to do something, obeying them is optional. It's not optional. If you disobey, you will get arrested. And if you resist arrest, the police are allowed, and will use force.

  14. It's only logical that supporters would migrate to "support" other compatible protests .. whether near of far. The city or state misinterprets that behavior as a threat and provides the smallest "opportunity" create counter narrative which they then editorialize. There exists a condition of right or wrong which is inarguable. Genocide

  15. The use of pepper spray on an individual can be considered a form of excessive force, entitling that individual to file a 1983 claim. Pepper spray is an irritating agent that can cause burning, pain and temporary blindness when used on a person’s eyes.

  16. God bless you for helping to stop the Palestinian holocaust
    The Bible says in the Book of Romans 2:8 (ESV)
    8 but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury.

  17. What Constitutes Taser Abuse?
    Taser abuse occurs when a police officer uses a taser excessively, unnecessarily, or violates a person’s civil rights. Some examples of taser abuse include:

    Using a taser on a person who is already restrained or incapacitated: Police officers are not allowed to use tasers on people who are already restrained or are otherwise unable to resist. This can include people who are handcuffed, in a chokehold, or subdued by other means.
    Using a taser as a punishment or to coerce compliance: Police officers are not allowed to use tasers as a means of punishment or to force people to comply with their commands. This can include using a taser on a person who is verbally non-compliant or not moving fast enough for the officer’s liking.
    Using a taser on vulnerable populations: Police officers are not allowed to use tasers on vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, children, or elderly people unless there is an immediate threat to the officer’s or others’ safety.
    Using a taser excessively or for an extended period: As previously mentioned, using a taser repeatedly or for an extended period can be considered abusive. This can occur when officers resort to using a taser as a quick fix or when they cannot control a situation.
    Failing to provide medical attention after a taser is used: Police officers are required to provide medical attention to people who have been tasered, as the use of a taser can cause serious injury or even death.
    When a police officer oversteps their authority by using a taser in an abusive manner, they can be held accountable for their actions through civil lawsuits, criminal charges, or disciplinary action by their department.

    Find the Right Personal Injury Lawyer

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    Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?
    If you or a loved one has been a victim of taser abuse by law enforcement, seek legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer who specializes in police misconduct and civil rights cases.

    Taser abuse can result in serious physical injuries, psychological trauma, and even death. Victims of taser abuse may be entitled to compensation for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

    A personal injury lawyer can help you pursue a lawsuit against the responsible parties. They can also help you gather evidence, such as police reports, witness statements, and medical records, to support your case and negotiate with insurance companies or government agencies on your behalf.

    By taking legal action against those who have abused their authority by using a taser in an abusive manner, you not only seek justice for yourself or your loved one but also send a message that such behavior will not be tolerated. This can help prevent future instances of taser abuse and ensure that law enforcement officers are held accountable for their actions.

    If you or someone you know has been a victim of taser abuse, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance from a personal injury lawyer specializing in police misconduct and civil rights cases. They can help you fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.

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    Last Updated: Apr 20, 2023
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  18. More money without restrictions for genocide in Gaza along with more financial support for a war that has already been lost in the Ukraine. However, no money for jobless or homeless Americans. Lastly, more, money for other unwinnable foreign wars while the American economy falls apart helping the defense contractors and the Israeli lobby. This appears to be a serious conflict of interest that should be investigated as a threat to true American interests.

  19. United States policy makers , especially since 1997, need to be brought to justice for violation of the Leahy Laws and crimes against humanity in their blind support of Israel against Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Palestine , Lebanon, and Afghanistan . The mentioned wars not only brought America to the verge of world war three and future financial collapse but put the interest of phony Jewish religious zionist war mongers above those of their own country.
    Stay on the right and moral side of history.
    Your vote can count. Every November do not forget to remember.

  20. Senator Lindsey Graham and other political war mongers in the United States government are totally against these encampments and protests to stop genocide in Gaza or in Palestine. A significant amount of Americans beleve that Mr. Graham and associates appear to have traded away their humanitarian values for some thing else and now seem to be total sellouts. Additionally, Mr. Graham is a multi- millionaire who owns a South Carolina subsidiary of Black Rock Military Industrial Complex , (GHC/ Graham Holding ) . It should also be noted that Black Rock also owns Vanguard , Lockheed Martin , Bank of America , etc. and has amassed more money than many countries in Europe , South America, or Asia combined , in less than 40 years. It may already be in control of various places in the world where there appear to be endless wars . Israel is just another major client of Black Rock. Mr. Lindsey Graham also wants to put the friends of corrupt zionist in Israel above the needs of American residents and is striving hard to reduce medicaid and social security. The American under class could be the next target for annihilation

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