
On the Legal AF podcast, defense attorney Michael Popok and former prosecutor Karen Friedman Agnifilo debate why the Manhattan DA obtained a guilty plea of perjury against disgraced Trump chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg before the oncoming Trump criminal trial, and what it means for a jury verdict.

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Author: phillynews215


41 thoughts on “Trump CFO NIGHTMARE is Only JUST BEGINNING…

  1. Love you guys; your updates are always informative, interssting, factual, and sometimes deliciously sarcastic, with my total approval given the nonsense dished out by Trump and Maga. Catching up on episodes I misses. Have a lovely Easter, Karen and Michael. 😊 ❤

  2. Maybe everything that Weisellburg supposedly owns belongs to the Trump Organization and if he testifies against Trump, he and his family might be thrown out on the streets. All his years of corruption is coming to haunt him for the rest of his life. Karma.

  3. We/America has been a country for 200+ years, evolving/developing its judicial/legal system for all that time. We now confront a career criminal, slithering and "dancing" through various legal procedures, with impunity. Does our judicial system have any TEETH (other than some those of a teething baby) or is the system basically bullshit, fodder for intellectual "masturbation," by legal "scholars(?)," judges (active or retired) and a handful of elected officials?????

    Biden will not know what planet he is on, come November. Neither "sleepy Joe" nor "dementia/diaper Don," belong anywhere near the Oval Office!!!

  4. That Geezer, Is Getting Too Olde, For This, Sh#t!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alan, Should Be Retired!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead Of Carrying, Some Fake Rich Man's, WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. "Weasel" burg testimony cannot help tRump. A proven liar on the witness stand will not go well with a jury. He would do better with Pinocchio on the stand.😂😂

  6. Who CARES???? Listening to Polpock call this a "trial of the century" shows – ONCE AGAIN – how these youtubers have CONSISTENTLY miscalculated time and time and time again the vulnerabilities, liabilities, and political viability of Donald Trump. Here's what Polpock and hipster, hoodie-wearing Ben Meiselas just don't understand, or don't to admit to the audience: THIS TRIAL IS A SIDESHOW, AND IN NO WAY WILL AFFECT THE OUTCOME OF THE ELECTION WHICH IS ONLY 8 MONTHS AWAY. They don't understand that even if convicted of a felony in this case Trump will not be incarcerated, and will not lose a single voter. If anything Trump will weaponize such a verdict, and solidify the obsequious republican electorate even more so, but you won't hear that kind of analysis which – let's be HONEST – IS THE MOST RELEVANT THING. What else matters?

  7. It's pretty pathetic when you have to out think & corner a liar & cheat. It's amazing to what extent these thieves will go to try to get away with it without any punishment or consequences.

  8. And meanwhile Forbes also continues to treat Trump like a normal candidate and the MAGA Congress like normal, competent legislators. Forbes is basically Fox Noise with a lick of paint.

  9. Wesel Weisselberg will not fully cooperate. He's been given the privilege of coming clean & do the right thing, & what does he do? he resorts to being a liar as usual.

  10. Just in time for the Stormy Daniel's case News flash the other guy that signs check's lies a lot And he's the defendants witness Hahaha hahaha Chumpy why'd yah lock up Cohen for lying for you? Pretty dumb Huh

  11. Don trump Jr. and Eric trump need to be charged and found guilty and sentenced to prison too and fined and Ivanka the same thing and her husband

  12. Maybe Michael Cohen only knows about Trumps cover ups. Such as !! like in the stormy Daniels case. Therefore Michael Cohen was able to have learned his lesson. Without real fear for his life.
    And really wants to be forgiven for committing a cover up crime for Trump.
    But maybe this other guy. Knows where all or some of where Trump bodies are buried. Let's say how Epstein realy died. Therefore he has a very good motive to keep his mouth shut. And continue to fall on the sword of the law for Trump. Inorder to stay alive. Trump threaten Maxwell. That announcement trump made. When he say. I wish Maxwell well. That was a warm and fuzzy gesture. That was a threat. To keep her mouth shut about Trumps involvement . And do her time.
    Just saying. The people who realy know Trump know where th he bodies are buried. And only stay loyal out of fear. Roger stone has disappeared out of the publics eyes. For dam good reasons. A lot of lawyers like Guiliani is looking at prison and going broke. And still is covering for Trump. Why !!! He is a lawyer he knows how to make a plea deal with the judge . We all dam well know that the things Giuliani knows. He would be able to keep his millions and keep his freedom. If he pleads a deal. It's the fear for their lives.

  13. Weiserberg is essentially a snake planted in the prosecutor’s witnesses to mess up their strategy. Now that he is proven to be a liar, whatever that was presented earlier will now be null and void and everything has to be re-litigated, which means more delays for Trump, exactly what he wanted.

  14. Elon Musk says Putin is significantly wealthier than he is. Trump would throw anyone and anything under the bus to be significantly wealthier than Elon Musk.

  15. What a joke you Dems are lost. It’s a sham😢prosecution and you know it. The truth does not matter to a corrupt system.

  16. I think Weisselburg will not cooperate ans lie becauae he has been wncouraged that Trump will be President. This is what Trump was anxious about. He had to convince people not to cooperate and now Trump is atill on the ballot thanks to SCOTUS, they fer going against Trump.

  17. I hope this help's MDA's case against DONALD J TRUMP& his EMPIRE!🎉💥🔥🤡🔵🌐🌎🔵🌐🌎🔵🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🦓🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷🎷👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👁👁👁👁👁👁👁🇺🇦🆓️🇺🇦🇺🇦🆓️🇺🇦🆓️💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  18. I know a devil when I see one, trump could be one of the Horsemen! I thought in 2020 he was "one in disguise of me" How do you not see the truth, he wants to take away your freedom he wants to Isolate you he wants to defend you from wannabees with the same defence servicemen that he refers to as " Losers and suckers" Commander in Chief! My arse!

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