Tag: breaking news

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Trump Admin’s Roll-Back of Affirmative Action will Reduce Black Enrollment

Trump officials announced that schools and colleges should no longer use racial diversity as guideline for admissions. The consequence will be lower enrollment figures for people of color and a set-up for a new Supreme…

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Is Target Doing Right by its Employees?

Employees at a Baltimore County Target lead an action to bring attention to claims of racism, sexism, and ableism by managers Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate….

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Militarizing US Schools and Society Only Creates More Gun Violence and Police Brutality

TRNN’s Ben Norton continues his discussion with Boston teacher Nino Brown, of the ANSWER Coalition, on the links between US militarism, gun violence, and police brutality. Nino Brown argues militarizing schools and more heavily arming…

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Fed Lets Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Off Hook, Investors Profit Billions

Even though Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley failed the so-called ‘stress test,’ to determine whether these banks can weather a financial crisis, the Fed allowed them to pay billions in dividends and stock buybacks to…

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What Makes this Historical Moment so Urgent?

Paul Jay talks about the unique urgency of our current situation. Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…

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Occupy ICE Protesters Camp Outside Philadelphia Office, Despite Police Repression

The growing Occupy ICE movement demands the abolition of the abusive War on Terror-era agency. In Philadelphia, protesters are camping outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office. Activists Tina Ngo and Jameson Rush stand in…

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One Year After A Devastating Fire, a Community Demands Relief From Neglect

An entire block of homes remains uninhabitable in the working class neighborhood of Curtis Bay in Baltimore one year after a fire destroyed an entire block. Activists say the lack of rebuilding points to the…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show: June 29, 2018

Dharna, Baynard and Khalilah reflect on the progressive wins in the week’s primary elections, the death of five staffers at the Capital Gazette, and anti-labor sentiment locally and nationally Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Germany’s Plan to Create Refugee Detention Centers ‘Is a Disaster’

In order to save her coalition government, Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to introduce refugee centers along the southern border. However, the move could put an end to one of the European Union’s pillars: freedom…

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Scandal Ridden Pruitt Finally Resigns from EPA, Leaving Another Climate Denier in Charge

Sierra Club’s Mary Anne Hitt says Pruitt’s long list of scandals is only matched by his long list of attempted environmental rollbacks, and new acting EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler will advance the same deregulatory agenda…

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Israel Is Arming Ukraine’s Blatantly Neo-Nazi Militia the Azov Battalion

A shocking new report in the Electronic Intifada reveals that Ukrainian neo-Nazis are using Israeli weapons to fight Russia. Journalist Max Blumenthal discusses the SS-wearing Azov Battalion, a neo-Nazi militia that uses Hitlerian symbols and…

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Mother Who Confronted Scott Pruitt Responds To His Resignation

Kristin Mink, who approached Scott Pruitt in a DC restaurant, says that she asked him to resign because of his climate-denying policies, not his corruption scandals Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Explosive Report Shows Unchecked Sexual Assaults in Chicago Public Schools

Troy LaRaviere, challenger for Mayor of Chicago, says understaffing and mismanagement at CPS and by Rahm Emanuel has resulted in unchecked sexual assault of Chicago Public Schools students Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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How Will Kennedy’s Resignation Affect the Supreme Court?

On the Marc Steiner Show, Marc talks with law professor and historian Michael Higginbotham about the role the Supreme Court has in advancing—or preventing—civil rights wins in the USA Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Trump, Putin, and ‘Russian Roulette’

Michael Isikoff, chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News and co-author of “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” joins TRNN’s Aaron Maté to discuss the evidentiary…

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30 Years in Prison for a Crime He Didn’t Commit

The exoneration of Jerome Johnson for a 1988 murder conviction reveals again how Baltimore’s criminal justice system takes a heavy toll on African-American residents Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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Heat Waves and Climate Change: Mass Media Fails to Make the Connection

The failure to link the increasing frequency and intensity of heat waves means that the general population remains relatively unaware of the urgency of climate change, says Jennifer Marlon of the Yale Program on Climate…

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With Superdelegate Reform, is the Democratic Party Now Democratic?

New Democratic Party rules scale back the influence of superdelegates in choosing the presidential nominee. But DNC Unity vice-chair Larry Cohen of Our Revolution says the party still has a long way to go towards…

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Can Ben Jealous Unify Democrats against Larry Hogan?

Ben Jealous takes viewer questions and discusses what his primary win means for the future of the Democratic Party Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Mexico’s AMLO Gets Massive Mandate to Stand Up to the US

As the center-left candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador wins the presidency by an overwhelming margin, Laura Carlsen and Alex Main talk about the election results, what this means for Mexico, and how it will affect…

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Can Ben Jealous Unify Democrats against Larry Hogan?

Ben Jealous takes viewer questions and discusses what his primary win means for the future of the Democratic Party Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Most Ignored and Most Far-Reaching Supreme Court Ruling Yet: Anti-Trust Law Hollowed Out

A major Supreme Court ruling, Ohio vs American Express, was completely ignored by most media outlets, even though it will have potentially devastating repercussions for consumers in the so-called ‘platform economy’: Uber, Lyft, AirBnB, Facebook,…

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Media Coverage of Trump Immigration Policies Ignores Democrats’ Complicity

The outrage at Trump’s immigration policies, the Muslim travel ban, family separations, indefinite incarceration, ‘zero tolerance,’ and now possibly no due process for immigrants, is justified, but forgets all too easily Obama’s and the Democrat’s…

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Five Capital Gazette Journalists Gunned Down in Maryland

38-year-old Jarrod Ramos has been charged with first degree murder in the deaths of journalists Wendi Winters, Rebecca Smith, Robert Hiaasen, Gerald Fischman and John McNamara Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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The History of Race and Labor in the USA (2/2)

On the Marc Steiner Show, Marc continues his conversation with Bill Fletcher, who explains how the global economy creates the need for a broad movement of and for workers Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Trump Pursues Israel ‘Peace Plan’ to Break off Gaza, Without Input from Palestinians

While US President Trump reportedly hopes to use Gulf funding to pressure Egypt to take over Gaza, splitting it from the West Bank, expert Phyllis Bennis warns no Israel peace deal is possible when “there…

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Dimitri Lascaris Reporting From the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

A candidate of Sweden’s feminist party and one of the flotilla’s captains talk about their participation in the effort to break the Gaza blockade Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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