
Michael Cohen and Ben Meiselas react to Trump’s new attacks against Cohen ahead of the Manhattan DA’s hush money case, as well as continued coverage of new developments in Trump’s legal cases. This and more on the new episode of Political Beatdown!

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Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen:
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Burn the Boats:
Majority 54:
Political Beatdown:
Lights On with Jessica Denson:
On Democracy with FP Wellman:

Author: phillynews215


30 thoughts on “LIVE: Trump ATTACKS Cohen to DA, Cohen RESPONDS

  1. Thanks to our sponsors!
    HumanN: Get a free thirty-day supply of SuperBeets Heart Chews and free full-sized bag of tumeric chews valued at $25 by going to

    Rhone: Head to and use code COHEN to save 20% off your entire order!

    Miracle Made: Upgrade your sleep with Miracle Made! Go to and use the code BEAT to claim your FREE 3 PIECE TOWEL SET and SAVE over 40% OFF.

    Fum: Head to and use code BEAT to save 10% off when you get the journey pack today!

  2. They need to lock him up, that’s where he belongs in prison. He does not know what the truth is he’s been the biggest liar all his life that’s why all his businesses go down because a liar like that. Don’t get nowhere in life and a dictator and a thief, he should be ashamed of himself. He stole all them peoples money by lying. He doesn’t have nothing. He ain’t rich. He don’t have money to pay his bills. He’s gotta wait for his donations to come in to pay his bills and his wife’s hair, and for her clothes, ain’t that a shame. Do you really think I’m gonna donate for her, and for him to pay the bills and do the hairdos never in my lifetime I will send him a big bag of crap they can pay all the bills they want with that

  3. Cohen we must get FLORIDA""
    Find Jorge Ramos the Reporter

    Hispanics MUST"
    How Trump mockered
    USED" the Chaos/ pain & Vulnerability of the Venezuelan people

    2019 the USA SANCTIONS over Maduro were only for one purpose!!

    2019 G7 Paris Accord
    Trump's odd words &
    I quote
    There's so much money to be made with Oil
    This wasn't about USA
    @ G7 he demanded before G7 that unless
    Putin was added USA would withdraw.

    His urge/ itch with rubbing elbows within the OPEC WORLD
    on his own personal level.
    Oil 🛢 being the one toy missing from his sandbox.

    Guilliani flew to Ukraine & Russia
    Sure! Included the Hunter B BS💩

    These Mysterious RUSSIAN Private Shell Companies EMERGED
    purchasing Oil 🛢 from Maduro.
    Guilliani as testaferro
    No brainer!!

    Trump sold before the world"" as him being
    The Shinning Knight
    To save Venezuelan people!!
    Meanwhile taking advantage" literally
    Further""" empowering
    & Him making $$


  4. Trump is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s in the the first degree of dementia 🤔🧑‍🌾🧠😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️🧐😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️

  5. Thanks for your honesty🙏 I appreciate you for being integral unlike the other counsel that have represented Trump. You were loyal to Trump and with no regards to you he didn’t give a damn about you😡. Cohen you are right their sentences are not fair but bias 😢. Congratulations because you are a shrewd and very intelligent individual with a bright future inspite of the bumps. God doesn’t do anything by mistake 🙏🙏🙏🙏. Habba is dumb as a box of rocks 😂 Trump acknowledged that 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Dear Michael, I just want you to know that I hear you. It's a lot to go though. What you are going through is huge. I'm so sorry that you and your family are having to live through trump's carnage. Thank you Michael. May God protect you and your family 🙏💙

  7. One more thing might be said about the unproductiveness of deflection of dangerousness, even amongst persons admittedly dangerous. In Act 1, Scene 2 of "Julius Caesar," Caesar comments on the conspirator, Cassius, for the benefit of Mark Antony. In lines 202-205, he quips:

    "Let me have men about me that are fat,
    Sleek-headed men and such as sleep a-nights.
    Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
    He thinks too much. Such men are dangerous."

    Both Julius Caesar and Cassius, along with many others, died in their dangerousness. In the 21st century, may the nations of Earth opt rather for health professional help for mental health issues in power and in the populace, rather than for dangerous denialism and determined deflection! G-d bless!

  8. The problem of dangerousness in power politics is by no means solely a 21st century phenomenon, but is as old as humankind itself. In William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," a fine play about the possibly preventable assassination of Julius Caesar, some remarkable power scenes unfold. In Act 2, Scene 2, lines 47-51, Caesar, rather rashly, declares:

    "Danger knows full well
    That Caesar is more dangerous than he.
    We are two lions littered in one day,
    And I the elder and more terrible.
    And Caesar shall go forth.""

    Contrary to the contemporary tendency to deny, deflect, and project, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar fully admits his dangerousness, proudly boasting that he is the most dangerous of all. What help did he get for this in ancient Rome? Twenty-seven psychiatrists coming to the rescue of the individual and the society? "Alack and alas," no. Only a soothsayer warning Caesar of "the Ides of March" (Acts 1 & 3). Not surprisingly, Caesar was assassinated. Fast-forward to the contemporary scenario, where psychiatrists warn politicians and the public, not about the 15th of March, but about the prevailing, pervasive perils of dangerousness in positions of power, and are met with vitriol. Might this be an aggressive, twisted response to the psychiatric counsel, in vehemently, repeatedly denying personal dangerousness and its fateful dangers? Perhaps American presidents and other politicians also read Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," or watch stage and film productions of the play… Whatever the case, it is to be hoped that 21st century persons in power would not like to drag us all back to the days of soothsayer analytics and periodic, ghastly assassinations, which impact governance and traumatize nations. As things stand, a former American president has been greatly assisted by a team of twenty-seven psychiatrists and more, and lives to run another day……

  9. This site has been doing a tremendous service to the public, by informing the American public of the ongoing ramifications of a team of eminent psychiatrists giving advance warning of the serious, far-reaching consequences arising from complacency pertaining to dangerousness in the echelons of power. Inasmuch as the intended recipients of this professional advice have not been as welcoming of it as the reading public, I am hopeful that an analysis from an example in English literature will be productive of happier results. My comment chain is broken up into units for spatial purposes, where necessary.

  10. Before I make my comment on this issue of recurrent national and global political interest, allow me to clarify the following! Although I am pursuing a graduate qualification with an American university, I have never been to America under the banner of learning, nor out of the African continent, for that matter. Therefore, I am not acquainted with American structures, from basement to balcony, nor with the American population, from beach-goer to band. However, it is probable that my academic and other ties with the American continent help to make me more invested than average in concerns about recurrent dysfunctionality in the American political landscape.

  11. Love this MTN they bring Honesty, integrity, Truth, clarity, morality and more to our democracy.
    Two things that i wish MTN would cover more of, Too wake up America!

    1. That Trump is Malignant Narcissist, by definition aMalignant narcissists are typically destructive and manipulative. They have an excessive need for attention and adoration and a strong sense of entitlement, believing that they are better than others. They use various manipulation strategies to control and dominate others. They also are good at tying up the courts. Which is exactly What Trump is doing.

    2. Would like MTN to talk more in depth about Demegogue their Political figure that rise to power by appealing primary to the lower class or uneducated. Demagogues appeal to the prejudices of people rather than using rational argument. Adolph Hitler appealed to the poor just like Trump appeals to Maga, the prejudices and the uneducated.
    These 2 things rarely get noticed and i believe the more it gets out there the more people will recognize how dysfunctional Donald Trump really is. Trump is nothing but 5 year old bully that got a bowl of mash potatoes dumped on his head for being a bully and is still 5 years old man child. Lets just say Trump as a child had low emotional intelligence which bullies lack btw which prevented him or hindered his maturity as he aged. A typical rich boy that got got everything handed to him and doesnt know what accountability means.

  12. Donald Trump is still an international oligarch and will continue to embolden leadership that doesn't have Americans best interest in mind

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